PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Side issue: I would expect the independent regulator to ban clubs from registering offshore. Note both City and CFG are British registered companies.
Absolutely. Certain clubs are registered in tax havens begging the question as to why when all are supposed to be operating to the same PL financial rules?
Part of me feels a bit sorry for them, but the other 99% of me thinks they can get to fuck.

Didn't they respond and say they're interested in what punishment we get if they got a 10pt deduction. They can go fuck themselves. We have no friends where this is concerned.

It still really pisses me off the club was onboard with the Super League proposals. We could have used that to our advantage and said "it's no surprise they want to bring charges against us, but let's remember they also wanted a Super League, money is their only motivation". Instead we showed we're willing to jump into bed with those that go against us, if it can bring increased revenues.
Have we as a Club at any point said enoughs enough, here is the evidence we haven't done any of this, get it sorted now or have we genuinely delayed things? That seems to be the rhetoric now, that we consistently delay and put blocks in the way, I'd rather it was sorted once and for all personally and if guilty fair enough, it's totally sapping any enjoyment of football when all anyone wants to talk about is us cheating, it's boring the living daylights out of me in fact.
We became suspicious of the governing bodies when sensitive information was leaked that could only have been leaked by the investigators in the charges brought by UEFA. Complying with requests for information from investigators is fine, and part and parcel of being in their competitions but it seems like the PL were taking the piss by continually asking for information so we called it out and said that the requests then needed to be done via legally auditable processes. If I recall correctly. Just covering our backsides really, but the narrative is that we suddenly became obstructive with no reason.
Pretty sure we’d go ‘nuclear’ if the PL did also. Our reaction would be absolutely thunderous and all out attack. I’m hopefully a new regulator would give us the path to blow the PL away in the courts.

Tolmie also made the point on Twitter about how would the TV companies around the world react if City weren’t in the league. Imagine booting out Guardiola and Haaland when they’ve just spent a billion on TV rights.
Anyone got the feeling Everton are going to do our dirty work for us and show it all up to be a shame and mud slinging exercise

Pl have shot themselves in foot again

Feels like they’re collateral damage in a way. I think some of the leg work for the fight back has already started with the response to Everton’s punishment. Hopefully it leads to the regulator being fast tracked.
Of course not. Let's be clear, the only reason this investigation came about was because of the Football Leaks emails, for which we only have ourselves to blame.
My first thought when I read through the Bobby Manc docs was why didn’t city just draw up sub contract agreement and charge the Abu Dhabi team Bobbys fee plus a 10% commission?
Pretty sure we’d go ‘nuclear’ if the PL did also. Our reaction would be absolutely thunderous and all out attack. I’m hopefully a new regulator would give us the path to blow the PL away in the courts.

Tolmie also made the point on Twitter about how would the TV companies around the world react if City weren’t in the league. Imagine booting out Guardiola and Haaland when they’ve just spent a billion on TV rights.
I'd hope we'd be robust in our response, but I'm not sure what it is people think we can do to go on the offensive. There are rumours percolating about Khaldoon having 'dirt' on all and sundry, but I think the idea we can 'go nuclear' is speculative at best.
It still makes no sense that they got the charges wrong. You’d think when they are advising they are looking at the year book & the allegation.

You’d also think they’d say CAS over ruled because of this, so it’s unlikely & a reason they didn’t move forward for 4 years.

Also the sheer volume of charges is vindictive & inconsistent. If you want someone nailed & quickly you wouldn’t create head aches for yourself. It would be like throwing charges of “fly tipping” at Peter Sutcliffe.
Their legal people probably get paid more than their person tweeting shit out.
If united failed ffp under eufa rules and were fined, why aren't the PL looking at that as well? Not in a sarcastic way, but genuinely why aren't they? Were their losses not enough to fail PL ffp?
It took the PL about 6 years to notice our UEFA FFP issues, so their breech will probably be looked at in 2030, or so.

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