PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

But surely there must be some evidence. I keep reading they haven't got anything, zero, fuckall. Surely the Kings Council would even say "Are you taking the piss"
Of course there is evidence just like at CAS the said evidence will be examined and cross examined, then a verdict

I was on jury service we sat and listened to the evidence, the difference between that presented by CPS and the defence was staggering. The CPS evidence, and their witnesses, did not stand up to cross examination and frankly the CPS were an embarrassment truly unbelievable that they even presented it

So, evidence yes, does it have any substance or value is the question
i think if the PL had anything on us we would have been chucked under the bus by now at least with an interim charge, thats one from 115 that would stick and they could have restricted us this season either on transfers or points deduction but nothing the silence is defening, to me it points that the PL have no idea what there doing, i would go as far as saying there now looking for a way out without looking like a bunch of incompetent fools, No better way out than handing everything to the IR and saying 'well nothing to do with us now' watch this space

I think there are two possible plausible explanations for the PL's silence since announcing the charges.

The first is that they saw the leaks coming out of UEFA prior to CAS, they saw the way that we responded to that and they are determined either to act fairly or not make the same mistakes UEFA made (depending on your perspective).

The second is that they have not leaked any evidence because there is nothing to leak.

To my mind, this second is by some distance the more probable of the two. When you think back to the announcement of the charges, IIRC the media knew before the club did that we were being charged. We all heard the rumours - substantially true - about the punishment being visited on Everton before the independent panel revealed its findings. An organisation that leaky does not, in my view, tighten up its ship overnight. You can imagine that the source of that type of confidential information is not breaching that duty of confidence just for shits and giggles or from the goodness of their heart, but is being rewarded in some way or another for putting their position at risk in that way. So if there was some reward on offer for the mere fact that charges were imminent, imagine what would be on offer for evidence demonstrating City's guilt.

Those who have expressed an opinion based on some knowledge and professional experience have pretty unanimously expressed the view that bearing in mind the severity of the charges brought, making them stick would require significantly more evidence, and much more cogent evidence, than is in the public domain at the moment. It is certainly possible that there is substantial evidence amassed against us, which we are yet to hear of because the PL have kept a lid on it. It seems unlikely to me that this is the case. If there truly was a smoking gun, my feeling is that someone would have leaked it.
But surely there must be some evidence. I keep reading they haven't got anything, zero, fuckall. Surely the Kings Council would even say "Are you taking the piss"

Did UEFAs lawyers allow them to ban City & find them guilty of charges that were already time barred in their own rules.

Or maybe they told them this will fail & they ignored it.
But surely there must be some evidence. I keep reading they haven't got anything, zero, fuckall. Surely the Kings Council would even say "Are you taking the piss"
I know I'm repeating what others have already said but my guess is that there is evidence but that evidence is very flimsy - probably amounting to no more or not much more than the evidence that UEFA had. However, regardless of how flimsy it is, I think that the panel still have to go through the process of conducting a hearing and entertaining that evidence rather than laughing it out of the place. When you read the CAS report, there are hints all over that UEFA's evidence against us was nothing short of a joke but CAS can't come out and say that it's a joke as much as it would've been funny as fuck seeing that! Their wording has to be more professional than that
can anyone enlightened me, a lawyer told me that the same law firm and account people worked for City and Everton is that true ?
can anyone enlightened me, a lawyer told me that the same law firm and account people worked for City and Everton is that true ?
I can't enlighten you as such, other than to state that what you were told sounds like one of the biggest piles of steaming shite I've ever heard in my life.

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