PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

What I don't understand is this, and maybe @projectdriver can help me out if I'm being thick.

Why are we all not going with the theory (instead of all this banging our collective heads on walls).. ...that if what we are charged with is true then the PL couldn't have charged us under football rules they would have had to report us to HMRC and the serious fraud squad?

This would surely have been a better way of explaining what's going on to all the haters and the uneducated press.

Because it is wrong. The PL is handling alleged breaches of contract under civil law in the manner required by their rules.
Well thanks for the Video, that plastic surgeon did Jordan no favours at all, the **** can still use his mouth. On a lighter note is not strange that he believes City are guilty of FFP based on CAS saying that City did not co-operate, i have always believed you needed some evidence to start with?
Stefan Borson's objective excellent diligent works highly informative and carries weight as well as putting ignorami like Jordan to shame. He thoroughly outclassed him.

The incredible ease and willingness to simply dismiss and use ad hominem attacks on Stefan - we know due to tribalism - as some kind of blind incapable of rational thought, excuse maker focused on deflecting City of any charges type of individual is quite sad.

The man is a genuine expert in the area of finance and law who has demonstrated balance and willingness to accept that he may be wrong, and we know was a financial advisor within the club.

He's not just some muppet and because one has never heard of him before is not exactly a litmus test for qualifying one as an expert for an average fan.

This is the same individual when the charges were reported, if you listeded to that CitySpaces episode on Twitte/X that hundreds of thousands listened to (even Fernandinho!) did not sound like an excuse maker.

He painted about as bleak a picture as possible about what could happen to us and sounded deeply concerned.

And then of course compare that take to, I don’t know? Stefan’s prediction that was even published in the Daily Mail on the likely verdict for UEFA's case to CAS?

Was it spot-on or was he completely delusional and just "making things up" just to ensure City looked good?

How can someone so willing to attempt to be unobjective be so balanced?

It’s really sad that this is the state of things. But that’s what it is.

Happy days
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Stefan was more certain of our likely defeating of the charges than he had been previously, I thought.
Note to Klopp: When we are cleared, if you say “It is a bad day for football” you will be banned from the Etihad and have your balls chopped off.
Rather, you should say: “Bollocks, City’s proven innocence means Pep will stay and that’s another five years without the title for us”

I think he has always been pretty clear in legal terms, he is just saying it in a more understandable manner to a wider audience now. Imho.
One of my Blue mates was an Accountant at Anderson’s in Manchester, on the same street as the Little Yang Sing, (Charlotte street?).

He earned decent money but he told us the salaries of the Partners, it was eye watering amounts going back to that time, £150k plus big bonuses whereas he was on about £40k.

They all knew what was coming and my mate jumped ship with a decent payoff before the scandal broke and set up on his own, he actually took some of his clients with him and is still working at the age of 65, daft FOC.

I’ve given it some thought & perhaps it’s a shame we didn’t allow the DJ to talk more about Enron. What they are accusing City is like the Enron scandal with fraud committed by the execs, partners & auditors but that’s why the accusations are ridiculous. It makes you wonder if people put pressure on Masters that way, scaring the shit out of him that City have committed that. Maybe that’s been the strategy behind the scenes with our enemies briefing client journalists how badly we’ve cheated.

And all because they don’t think Etihad can pay their bills.
I’ve given it some thought & perhaps it’s a shame we didn’t allow the DJ to talk more about Enron. What they are accusing City is like the Enron scandal with fraud committed by the execs, partners & auditors but that’s why the accusations are ridiculous. It makes you wonder if people put pressure on Masters that way, scaring the shit out of him that City have committed that. Maybe that’s been the strategy behind the scenes with our enemies briefing client journalists how badly we’ve cheated.

And all because they don’t think Etihad can pay their bills.
I knew there had been severe punishments for Enron but just googled it and Jeffrey Skilling was sentenced to an initial 24 years custodial sentence in 2006 and was released in 2019.

If Jordan wants to accuse the Executives involved in our situation he needs to be very careful because he could be in deep shit coming out with false statements, I’m no expert but to take the stance he has surely has to put him at risk of at least a Civil action of defamation. I’d piss myself if he was ordered to cough up his last few million, wanker.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's gone from like 99% terrible coverage to 90% terrible coverage with a few people who seem to fully understand the case now even if they hope we get done for it. But I reckon there is movement.

The Athletic, surprisingly, have turned recently with some very fair articles on the FFP situation. Like you, I hope it's the start of many more.

Fair is all we want, not sycophantic.

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