PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Less so than almost any other fan of the usual suspects, tbf. It's not his fault he is badly informed ;)
He's a good poster and I think the pile on is over the top to be honest. As you say, his only crime is that he's a bit misinformed but nowhere near as much as some of the other whoppers we've come across during this process.
You're reading that 'the mask has slipped' into all that? Sorry but that's just paranoid on your part.

For what it's worth I think if you've got money to invest in your own football team you should be able to do so however you choose fit. The point I was trying to make was that at the end of the day, talk of relegations is wide of the mark and that my feeling is that a deal will be cut behind the scenes so that everyone can move on. The reasons for this are 2-fold. Firstly so City can move forward so it will be in their interests to bring it to a close ASAP. But secondly it's hardly in the PL's interests for City to be found guilty of the most severe charges. PL football is a highly marketable brand - not going to look good if its prize asset of the last decade gets slapped with massive penalties and makes it look like the PL has been presiding over a dogs dinner. Money talks at the end of the day in big business.
If you are making a serious point, you need to command the facts. You do not appear even to have read the CAS judgement.
”There is NO EVIDENCE that….etc” ELEVEN times they concluded that. So what is your evidence that we broke the rules and need to make a deal? Are you privy to a PL smoking gun?
All opinion, probably worth fuck all, I've absolutely zero inside info etc.
That's all you needed to say. In other words you're talking out your arse about something you don't understand, can mentally grasp or have any relevant or useful information to share. You're like a pissed up arrogant football fan, ranting to nobody in a pub, but are still loud enough to be annoying.

My advice, keep schtum, bucko.
Less so than almost any other fan of the usual suspects, tbf. It's not his fault he is badly informed ;)

Of course it is! His fault, that is.

Not backtracked on it either, or reconsidered his stance or anythinglike that, incidentally. Apart from more loose posturing, distractions, and a pretense of 'balance'.

Bitter and twisted, with an axe to grind, literally nothing more to it. Just a bit more 'eloquent' in how he goes about it.
Sounds like he's trying to be clever by arguing with his alter ego and giving us the impression that he isn't Magic Hat!

Oh, Nick Harris is magic,
He wears his magic hat.
And when he talks about Man City,
He‘s lost the fucking plot.
He bleats one one five charges,
Whilst sobbing in his bed,
but we’re Manchester City
and we’ve won the fucking lot.
And won't do until there is a verdict in our favour.
I would hope we would go full on "Godfather I ending" once a verdict arrives in our favour but I doubt even that will happen
The club will probably put the verdict in a safe place and use it as a legal shillelagh to batter anyone who steps out of line.
“Legal shillelagh“ sounds a bit sesquipadalian to me.

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