PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

A huge fine and a 20 point deduction is hardly the PL on the run !! If that’s what the PL think they may as well go ahead with their IC. Your information about settlement discussions is likely correct as is that Masters is a dead man walking but I wonder if your lawyer friend was winding you up with the £50m/20pts ?
I think you've misread the post. They're saying that the PL tried for fine & 20 point deduction in the faint hope that we'd accept just to put it behind us. If true, then we laughed in their faces and they're now panicking over how to extradite themselves with as little damage as possible. We all saw with the rushed media release of the charges that the PL are entirely out of their depth.
Was this when they were paying their players through an 'employee benefit trust'?
Ah yes, the other component of the Image Rights con that EVERY club at the top was involved in for nearly 15 years.
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There will be no deal. They had that opportunity over four years. Now they are squirming to find a decent optic for themselves.
The PL leadership and their media pals have spent four years smearing and attacking us. I agree there can’t be any deal unless they are prepared to pay us for the reputational damage we have suffered.
You’re absolutely right to say City weren’t cleared by UEFA.

We were found guilty by UEFA, and appealed that verdict to CAS.

CAS, however, having reviewed the slender evidence presented by UEFA to support the guilty verdict, repeatedly stated there was ‘no evidence’ to support the allegations - and cleared us on that basis.

They did not clear us because all the evidence was time barred. This is a disingenuous misconception peddled by client journalists in the mainstream media whose job it is to continue the guilty narrative.

It’s all in here if you actually go to the source (rather than the media spin), in case you’re in any doubt and want to clarify the situation.

And you’re also wrong that there’s no time barring in the PL case, as any charges will need to comply with UK law - which includes a six year limitation unless fraud or deliberate concealment can be proven.

Which will require a very high burden of proof on behalf of the PL.

A lot more than six emails, which as it happens are proof of precisely nothing - as CAS very clearly set out in their verdict.
Excellently put my friend.

It’s baffling how many morons (@bridgeno1) do not do their due diligence and actually read the facts and findings from CAS. It’s all there in black and white yet individuals still don’t have a tube of glue what’s gone on.

Stupid is as stupid does.
I think everyone could deal with a 20 point deduction, missing out on Champions League and a level of impact on the clubs growth. It’s not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but admission of some kind of guilt or even enabling perception of guilt would be a serious kick in the balls that would be hard to deal with. That would enable questioning of our achievements on the pitch and would be rammed down our collective throats for years and years by social media morons, not to mention justifying the job that the media have done on us down the years.

100% correct decision by the club to tell them to stick their agreement where the sun don’t shine.
There will be no deal. They had that opportunity over four years. Now they are squirming to find a decent optic for themselves.

Why on earth would we do a deal anyway if we're innocent? The only fear is innocent or not they still stick us with a fine and a points deduction. UEFA did exactly that, a fine and a ban for two years. Luckily we had CAS to go too, not sure if we have such an option this time.
Why on earth would we do a deal anyway if we're innocent? The only fear is innocent or not they still stick us with a fine and a points deduction. UEFA did exactly that, a fine and a ban for two years. Luckily we had CAS to go too, not sure if we have such an option this time.
It becomes very legal then - will make the last few years look like a parking ticket.

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