PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This must be a case for the FSA to take up and public ly campaign.

Two tier rulings in plain sight.

All fans must start to get militant and organised about this shit, it's appalling and the rags get away with it time after time.

Bournemouth bomb & scouse abandonment anyone !!

We’re never going to hear the end of “two tier” everything after these riots are we?
For me, if it wasn't for Stefan on Talksport bringing this up nobody in the media would have said a thing and it would have been brushed under the carpet, I had to Laugh at Jim trying his best to stop Stefan and quickly washing over it

How can a Premier League club (united) just go about doing this sort of thing and NOBODY brings it up in the media
All the Club should be calling for an emergency meeting and asking the question WHY let United get away with £75million of fudging and then hold the other 19 clubs to the PSR rules.

This Is Big News for me, It's not even hiding the facts it's in black and white in their annual revenue reports,
SKYsports BBC and all the other media outlets Know never to cross them and dig them out, Stefan may find his slots on talksport very limited from now on.
Listening to the interview Stefan was quite vocal in damming the Premier League & Utd over this. I really hope that the other league clubs demand an enquiry into this although I'm not sure who they would appeal to as the Premier League are the judge ,jury & executioner.
Listening to the interview Stefan was quite vocal in damming the Premier League & Utd over this. I really hope that the other league clubs demand an enquiry into this although I'm not sure who they would appeal to as the Premier League are the judge ,jury & executioner.

All the other clubs need to get together and call for a no-confidence in the head of the governing body.
PSR rules are in place to stop overspending and fudging the books, This is a Joke that United can fudge £75 million and nothing has been done, Why was COVID allowance for everybody else so much lower and questionable, Everton asked for a better allowance but was turned down.

How can this keep happening by this so-called giant of a club, Don't forget the debt is reported at £950million or somewhere around that figure, But some say it is more like £1.5billion, The books of United would take some hell of an investigation.

Let's not forget Jim wants £3billion for the Wembley of the north

U.N.I.T.E.D that's spells fucked to me
The biggest oddity is that we were cleared of breaking the rules in 1913-14. What is that charge about?
We won the FA Cup in 1904 and became too big for the rest with their petty rules on how much players could earn and we were found guilty of breaking those rules and the players were banned from playing for us, the majority of them signing up for the rags who went on to win the league, job done. Management and sponsors were also banned, permanently, and it took years for us to catch up again. That according to my dad.
My mind is working overtime wondering what information double agent Omar is collecting.
Fuckin love a good conspiracy.

In my mind Scruffy Jim & Ten Hag are all a part of it. Imagine the job satisfaction you’d get running them into the ground…..

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