PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Oh shit! The kit man is moving on. A clear indication of guilt by all accounts.
The Daily Mail ran that story today as 'Sports News' because that would be newsworthy at any other club?
Of course the red shirted chicken lickers were all over it in the comments.

That's because we allowed him to become some sort of minor celebrity. Lesson learned I hope. Backroom staff should be just that, in the background.
Not necessarily

What if the decision is against city due to a stitch up or a miscarriage of justice

If this happens and out owners still insist they’re completely innocent, who are you going to believe?
I suppose in the eyes of the vast majority of our fans, we will still be innocent in a similar way to fans of other teams always believing we are guilty if we win.

I'm just reading though all the handbooks and my thoughts are we're going to beat these easily as the wording is very specific which works in our favour. I'm on to the 15/16 handbook and it's all the same stuff except the E53 to E60 rules which is about related parties. Easily cleared up as the best the PL could hope for is associated parties plus it was cleared up in CAS anyway. We're going to wipe the floor with them. I'm extremely optimistic now.
Sounds like they don't know their own rules. Pannick will drive a Rolls Royce through them
I am genuinely curious to know what the PL have evidence wise to proceed with this case, I dont buy into the theory that they have been pushed into this and if they have then more fool them. They must be convinced that they have enough to gain a positive outcome and it will be interesting to see what this is. If the believe this to be the case then fair play to them for coming after us.

Likewise, I struggle to see a situation where if the club have knowingly breached the rules that we would have allowed it to get this far. I have no doubt that we have sailed close to the wind and used the woding of the rules to the limit, I dont know any big organisation that doesnt. There is nothing that I have seen from our owners over the last decade to make me distrust them when they claim everything is above board. We seem to be extremely confident in our position, rightly so if we have done no wrong.

I guess it will be a case of us winning some points and the PL winning some points, it all depends on who is successful on the main charges..
Dont get this way of thinking.
Its not win/lose. Its not a judgement call or an opinion that will be given. Its absolute truth, in either scenario. And frankly thats enough for me.

If the decision goes for city, it will be absolute justice finally, exoneration, clubs name clean, open season to go after anyone we want.

If the decision is against city, frankly the club has lied and covered it up for years, including to us fans. Its then down to each individual to decide whether they care about that or not.

I trust the club not to be guilty of what would be potentially the largest corporate fraud in sports history. So im relaxed about it and expect a positive outcome.

If not, will deal with it then.

Ultimately its truth that we get and it will be a relief either way and we can all move on with our lives.
Exactly how I feel about it.

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