PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

After listening to that Twitter spaces it’s quite apparent that one of city or the premier league are going to have some serious damage done to them.

My biggest fear is that a whistle blower has come forward hence the premier league being so bullish with all these charges. If we are found guilty of the breaches then I honestly don’t see a way the current owners can continue running the club, it would surely lead to a criminal investigation and possible arrests for some directors at the club. The allegations are that serious. Madness.
Implicating others won't make the allegations against us go away.
I think City need to focus on those allegations and not demean ourselves with whataboutery.
I’m sure that will be the clubs primary focus, but getting info out that will damage/discomfort the PL and the shit stirring clubs makes perfect sense to me. Making neutral fans (rightly) question the objectivity and competence of the PL will help to balance the scales.

We don’t need to do it directly, but there are ways and means.
I really couldn’t give a flying fcuk even if we have cheated. Everything has been set up to prevent us from becoming more successful so we have had to sail pretty close to the wind to get where we are so I’m more than comfy with everything. in fact I hope we get off with whatever we can get away with to beat the corrupt bastards at their own game.
If it was one or two allegations I wouldn’t lose sleep. It’s the fact that the premier league are saying that for 9 fucking years we’ve been providing false accounts etc it’s just mental. Faith in the club but this is going to linger on and on don’t see any positives.
Just had my youngest boy on the phone going mad about this, first time hes used the **** word when talking to me.
When i didnt pull him up on it he used it about 20 times, problem is, i agree with him .
Fuck it, not sure i will be able to put the **** genie back in the bottle after that phone call, im a terrible Father ha
Fair play, unless he is 6!
Surely and contrary to what Stefan said there IS middle ground which is we will be found guilty of some of the lesser charges and not guilty of submitting false accounts. This is what happened st CAS and I suspect will also happen this time.
Stefan is but one voice among many and much as I respect him, he appears a bit gloomy and depressed atm
The ultimate outcome of all this will be, imo, us taking another reluctant ‘pinch’ and maybe a fine/one transfer window ban for the trumped up non-co-operation bullshit

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