Places to get stuck following City

Me and a mate got stranded in London after our last visit to Upton Park before it closed think it was January 2016.

We'd had an absolute shed load of beer and after the game decided to get a burger although he'd claim and he'd be right that it was my bright idea. We took a wrong turn ended up on the others side of the ground to the coaches and missed ours back. Took us ages to make our way to Euston and when we got there missed the last train to Manchester, spent the night in Euston then a hospital A&E just to keep warm (January).

I was late for work the next day too. Ringing the boss telling them I was still nearly 200 miles away was fun.

Never missed a coach since.
city v newcastle leagur cup final 16 years old taken on supporters bus from Cheadle knew nobody as from swinton ( arranged by relative you'll be fine ) anyway parks up miles away from wembley young excited didnt really take much notice underground to wembley. end of game queued then stood on platform of underground bloody hell which way and just as doors closing this bloke said your on our bus and pulled me into train whats chances ha ha .
from there they stopped in coventry at pub then last orders set off only to breakdown on motorway load of pissed up city fans getting more rowdy as beer wore off eventually bus fixed and arrived back at cheadle petrol station 6/7 o'clock in morning poor mum waited from midnight as no mobile phones to pick me up

great day great memories
Newcastle away, around 70 71, I was around 17/18 and jumped off the coach with a lad i knew, stuck in traffic near the ground and couldn't find the coach in the car park had to hitch it home bad moment.
Again in 71 hitched down to Spuds, slept under a road sign in the snow, the heat of the lights melting the snow bad moment got a lift the next morning and made the game.
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Sheffield back in 77 just watched us at Leicester first game of season hot day 2-2,stayed on in Leicester on the piss got the last train back but only went to Sheffield missed my late train to Manchester.Got talking to this bird who had her own place and she put me up for the night in more ways than one,happy days.
Went to villa away midweek game, tickets were still on sale as we got there.

We won 3-1 or 2-0 Vassell scored as he did against them.

Got the train at Aston, full of Brummies saying they hate City etc, very amusing.

New street had one final train for us to get home, we got to the station and asked seeingly the only member of staff working who was smoking a joint away from the inside of the station.

Ended up speaking to them whilst they finished, took us to the platform and the train had been cancelled in the 20 mins of us being at new street. Ghost train as many call trains getting cancelled for no reason.

We ended up having to stay in the station until the next morning, only took cash down, no card and as a 19 year old rejected the offer of my old man driving down to get us.

We ended up just getting some tins, and a chippy and trying to keep warm/entertain ourselves. Running across the train tracks etc just to keep ourselves amused.

One of the staff members caught us walking around again and got us in one of the seating areas that had the heater on, and kindly woke us up ready for our train.

Got on the train and just before Crewe my friend had lost his ticket when being checked by the guard.

Flung off at Crewe, had to wait again for another train to Stockport. Got that train, my friend hid in a toilet for hte rest of the journey.

Finally made it home, 2 hours late for college. Quick change and something to eat and made my remaining lessons with the worst headache possible.
Dublin Heuston Station, kipping on a bench waiting for train to Galway (1991 pre season tour). Arrived in Dun Laoghaire on ferry early hours, made way to Dublin, then found out train not for another 5 hours. Depressing, freezing and wary of every fucker hanging about.
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As I said, always take a credit card with you if, like me, you’ve been prone to an adventure or two over the years.

The hotel bed, shower and breakfast is relaxing although you might be wearing day old clothes.

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