Player thread: Aleksandar Kolarov (2014/15)

Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

I don't get the reaction from supporters who think the way to respond to a player struggling with his game is to give him a hard time.

Supporters support. Abuse should be reserved for players who can't be bothered, and we don't have any of those.
Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

I think Kolarov is an intriguing individual. Capable of really special things, and with an intense personality. He sets himself high standards and knows immediately when he is below the level expected. Unfortunately he seems to try to compensate by trying something extraordinary - a shot from a tight angle, a cheeky flick through the legs of a defender - which don't come off and he compounds the issue.

That said I like the guy. Especially when he fights back against his critics - shows passion. There's often synchronicity with poor Kolarov play and poor City play - maybe Kolarov is just trying to do something a little different to get the team going.
Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

moomba said:
I wasnt a fan, but the last year and a half he has been good for us. Don't think there is anither fullback in the league that can provide as much as him going forward, and he has been better defensively than he was when he first arrived.

Remember him giving it the South Stand against Norwich a few years back. Was fully entitled to as well, he was copping loads from them and if you're willing to give it out you should be prepared to get some back.


to name a few
Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

moomba said:
I wasnt a fan, but the last year and a half he has been good for us. Don't think there is anither fullback in the league that can provide as much as him going forward, and he has been better defensively than he was when he first arrived.

Remember him giving it the South Stand against Norwich a few years back. Was fully entitled to as well, he was copping loads from them and if you're willing to give it out you should be prepared to get some back.

He is as defensively hopeless as he's always been and although his one party trick is very useful,when it doesn't come off,which is a frequent occurrence....... it also leaves us desperately exposed as he's found isolated in the opposition half and out of the game.
I don't like his attitude,he's not a hard man,nothing close......he's far too casual and lacks steel,his image appearing the most important thing to him.

I reckon the only people who will be truly upset if he leaves Manchester are his tatooists.
Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

Irrespective of all the petty "giving him abuse, him returning the gestures then arguing instead of concentrating on the match," malarky the fact remains that he is not a good fullback. I believe, and this is only my opinion, he has never been a good fullback - rather he has looked good going forward and been covered by either a holding midfielder or the left hand side centre half. This may explain why sometimes some of the other players look bad as they get dragged out wide. Many managers have employed the tactic of always attacking us down their right so this kind of adds weight to the argument. Yes he has a wand of a left foot and some of his crosses have created goals. However I would much rather him concentrate on defending first, then as teams get tired bomb on and do his usual trot back. Clichy is our first choice because he is a decent defender first and also has the fitness to get back much like Zabba. All players suffer poor runs it's a question of how they react that is telling. I admit that I have never liked AK but really wanted to - the problem is now that he is reacting, rightly or wrongly to the supporters, means that he will be moved on despite his new contract. Unfortunately it will once again be a case of the club paying him off as no Italian club will pay him his huge wages. Seria A is the league he should be in, slower paced and all. I would thank him for his time but as I said it is time to move on. No shouting at him just a fact.
Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

Quite a few people around me were having a go at him in the first half. It came as a pleasant surprise when the main culprits accepted that it was being counter productive and agreed to lay off. Unfortunately he then at a go at a ball boy....
Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

cibaman said:
Quite a few people around me were having a go at him in the first half. It came as a pleasant surprise when the main culprits accepted that it was being counter productive and agreed to lay off. Unfortunately he then at a go at a ball boy....

Yeh, I'll be honest that was worse than having a pop at the fans. Having a go at a 10 year old lad for not getting a ball which is 5 yards away from him just sums up how lazy he is!

I know there is a few fans (Happy Brigade) which seem to have blindless faith in Kolarov, but he has been at the club long enough now and is just a massively overrated footballer. Setting up a few goals and having a couple of good games does not account for having a good season and a half at the club.
Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

Mr HJ said:
Irrespective of all the petty "giving him abuse, him returning the gestures then arguing instead of concentrating on the match," malarky the fact remains that he is not a good fullback. I believe, and this is only my opinion, he has never been a good fullback - rather he has looked good going forward and been covered by either a holding midfielder or the left hand side centre half. This may explain why sometimes some of the other players look bad as they get dragged out wide. Many managers have employed the tactic of always attacking us down their right so this kind of adds weight to the argument. Yes he has a wand of a left foot and some of his crosses have created goals. However I would much rather him concentrate on defending first, then as teams get tired bomb on and do his usual trot back. Clichy is our first choice because he is a decent defender first and also has the fitness to get back much like Zabba. All players suffer poor runs it's a question of how they react that is telling. I admit that I have never liked AK but really wanted to - the problem is now that he is reacting, rightly or wrongly to the supporters, means that he will be moved on despite his new contract. Unfortunately it will once again be a case of the club paying him off as no Italian club will pay him his huge wages. Seria A is the league he should be in, slower paced and all. I would thank him for his time but as I said it is time to move on. No shouting at him just a fact.

Modern fullbacks in teams that dictate the game should be better in goinjg foreward and deliver accurate crosses rather than defend. We are a team that dictates most of our games and our style of play is set up to let fullbacks coming in wide. Clichy is a better defender, but Kolarov is better going foreward. There is however very little between them. A combination of both in to one body would probably deliver the perfect leftback.
Maybe Kolarov needs a run of games like Clichy has had while Kolarov was injured. Some players don't go well with rotating. However being a fullback in today's City-team you need to cover a lot of space and therefore I understand rotating.

As for yesterday, Pellegrini could have subbed 10 players at halftime, Kolarov one of them. Kolarov has been injured and hardly played during the festive period. That's why he didn't get the full 90 minutes like Jovetic and Lampard. Hardly any tactics other than with a kind scoreline Pellegrini might have introduced Celina and he would have let Kolarov fullfill his 90 minutes. With us chasing the winner, Pellegrini simply did the right thing.
Re: Aleks Kolarov - take a bow

He's been brilliant for us the majority of his time with us, going through a bad patch at the moment but we shouldn't forget all the great performances that came before.

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