Player topic: Frank Lampard (2014/15)

Re: Frank Lampard

Damocles said:
Falastur said:
The_Maverick said:
Crazy idea here

*puts on tin hat*

With the current injuries to the strikers, why not let Lampard return to NYC on the basis the David Villa comes to us on a 3 month loan.

Both clubs win. NYC get a big name for the launch of the season, we get a striker in for free who, I guess at 33, wouldn't be unhappy at being on the bench when Aqueroet al are fit.

I think you're missing the point. NYCFC fans aren't upset because they want Frank Lampard, they're upset because they want the marquee players (DPs) they were promised. If you give them back Lampard but take away Villa, you'll just redirect their anger at Villa and the situation will continue anew.

Why should we, Manchester City fans, give a shit about how fans of a totally different club feels?

Because we own them, it bodes well for exposure for us if they do well, makes the city football group bigger, better and richer and to top if off will piss wenger etc off! Come on chaps i laughed my bollocks off when nycfc was first announced as the rest of the europe were just stunned by it! To then add Melbourne and go into a major partnership agreement with nissan and yokohama was another joyous listen to all the shit scared other clubs saying we were blagging the system! Lol
Re: Frank Lampard

cleavers said:
Ray78 said:
That smells of them not being pure NYCFC fans imho.
How can any of them be "pure NYCFC fans" ? Its a club that has never kicked a football, in a game, competitive or otherwise.

Some of them do support European Clubs who our rivals as well as the newly formed NYCFC is what I am getting at. The 'pure' fans imho are the ones who don't have any affiliation to any other club.
Re: Frank Lampard

cleavers said:
You wouldn't think so Ray......have a look on their forum.....arrogant fuckers mate,it's all "we want,I want,I don't like,blah,blah blah" favorite is a constant "this is New York City"...."you can't treat New Yorkers like that"...not a ball kicked and one of them already mentioned boycotting games if he ain't there for the start of the season.I can understand them being pissed off,but "over the top",is an understatement.
Haha, the idea of "boycotting" a club that has never kicked a ball in anger is hillarious. Who did they support before NYCFC was formed ?

I ain't kidding mate,have a read,some of the comments are belters,especially from DiRoma and 3,well take your pick to be honest.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 633/page-3</a>
Re: Frank Lampard

richards30 said:
Damocles said:
Falastur said:
I think you're missing the point. NYCFC fans aren't upset because they want Frank Lampard, they're upset because they want the marquee players (DPs) they were promised. If you give them back Lampard but take away Villa, you'll just redirect their anger at Villa and the situation will continue anew.

Why should we, Manchester City fans, give a shit about how fans of a totally different club feels?

Because we own them, it bodes well for exposure for us if they do well, makes the city football group bigger, better and richer and to top if off will piss wenger etc off! Come on chaps i laughed my bollocks off when nycfc was first announced as the rest of the europe were just stunned by it! To then add Melbourne and go into a major partnership agreement with nissan and yokohama was another joyous listen to all the shit scared other clubs saying we were blagging the system! Lol
Blagging their current system. Hell yes they're scared. The fact is City are operating under unfair restrictions and are creating the systems of the future. We have cleverer management than any other team, I believe.
Hope Frank stays. Think he wants to. It would be funny as f@ck if he won the league with us.....scoring the winner away to Chelsea.
Trust the management to prevail.
Re: Frank Lampard

Damocles said:
Falastur said:
The_Maverick said:
Crazy idea here

*puts on tin hat*

With the current injuries to the strikers, why not let Lampard return to NYC on the basis the David Villa comes to us on a 3 month loan.

Both clubs win. NYC get a big name for the launch of the season, we get a striker in for free who, I guess at 33, wouldn't be unhappy at being on the bench when Aqueroet al are fit.

I think you're missing the point. NYCFC fans aren't upset because they want Frank Lampard, they're upset because they want the marquee players (DPs) they were promised. If you give them back Lampard but take away Villa, you'll just redirect their anger at Villa and the situation will continue anew.

Why should we, Manchester City fans, give a shit about how fans of a totally different club feels?
And further still, "fans" who have never seen anything of the team bar a few promotional photographs or videos.

They're no more a fan of NYC than I am a band from Manchester that I've never even heard a song of. I might have seen their logo, band members and tour dates but having never heard a song of theirs how can I be a fan?
Re: Frank Lampard

cleavers said:
You wouldn't think so Ray......have a look on their forum.....arrogant fuckers mate,it's all "we want,I want,I don't like,blah,blah blah" favorite is a constant "this is New York City"...."you can't treat New Yorkers like that"...not a ball kicked and one of them already mentioned boycotting games if he ain't there for the start of the season.I can understand them being pissed off,but "over the top",is an understatement.
Haha, the idea of "boycotting" a club that has never kicked a ball in anger is hillarious. Who did they support before NYCFC was formed ?

I ain't kidding mate,have a read,some of the comments are belters,especially from DiRoma and 3,well take your pick to be honest.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 633/page-3</a>

Some of the posters on their are obvious rags/scousers/gooners.

I would seriously start reconsidering supporting this team if Lampard stays at City. I want to support a team that represents NY. Not an energy drink. Not a team in Manchester that is the poster child for almost everything that is wrong in this sport.

I'm willing to bite my tongue over the jersey. But this would begin to creep too far for my taste.

What a fucking cockwomble.
Re: Frank Lampard

stony said:
cleavers said:
Haha, the idea of "boycotting" a club that has never kicked a ball in anger is hillarious. Who did they support before NYCFC was formed ?

I ain't kidding mate,have a read,some of the comments are belters,especially from DiRoma and 3,well take your pick to be honest.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 633/page-3</a>

Some of the posters on their are obvious rags/scousers/gooners.

I would seriously start reconsidering supporting this team if Lampard stays at City. I want to support a team that represents NY. Not an energy drink. Not a team in Manchester that is the poster child for almost everything that is wrong in this sport.

I'm willing to bite my tongue over the jersey. But this would begin to creep too far for my taste.

What a fucking cockwomble.

Tom in Fairfield on page 4 suggests buying NY Red Bull shirts in protest.......imagine we loan a player to a team in a different country,they want to keep him a bit longer,we haven't kicked a ball yet,and in protest,I suggest buying rag shirts!!!......Un-fuckin-believable.
Re: Frank Lampard

A lot of bitter chelskis on that forum was my impression.

Parts of their argument is valid but I think very few of them realize that it may just come down to what Lamps himself wants. He deserves to play at the top, beat records, and win trophies with another PL team. He's giving some of his best performances now and this could only help nycfc if he moves later this season/next season in terms of skill and technique.
Re: Frank Lampard

stony said:
I ain't kidding mate,have a read,some of the comments are belters,especially from DiRoma and 3,well take your pick to be honest.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 633/page-3</a>

Some of the posters on their are obvious rags/scousers/gooners.

I would seriously start reconsidering supporting this team if Lampard stays at City. I want to support a team that represents NY. Not an energy drink. Not a team in Manchester that is the poster child for almost everything that is wrong in this sport.

I'm willing to bite my tongue over the jersey. But this would begin to creep too far for my taste.

What a fucking cockwomble.

Tom in Fairfield on page 4 suggests buying NY Red Bull shirts in protest.......imagine we loan a player to a team in a different country,they want to keep him a bit longer,we haven't kicked a ball yet,and in protest,I suggest buying rag shirts!!!......Un-fuckin-believable.
Why would you bother supporting a club, that you seem to dislike so much ?
Re: Frank Lampard

stony said:
I ain't kidding mate,have a read,some of the comments are belters,especially from DiRoma and 3,well take your pick to be honest.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 633/page-3</a>

Some of the posters on their are obvious rags/scousers/gooners.

I would seriously start reconsidering supporting this team if Lampard stays at City. I want to support a team that represents NY. Not an energy drink. Not a team in Manchester that is the poster child for almost everything that is wrong in this sport.

I'm willing to bite my tongue over the jersey. But this would begin to creep too far for my taste.

What a fucking cockwomble.

Tom in Fairfield on page 4 suggests buying NY Red Bull shirts in protest.......imagine we loan a player to a team in a different country,they want to keep him a bit longer,we haven't kicked a ball yet,and in protest,I suggest buying rag shirts!!!......Un-fuckin-believable.
Yanks are so fucking weird!

Knicks v Nets was a big cross-town rivalry. Nets move from Jersey to Brooklyn and loads of Knicks fans from Brooklyn become Nets fans overnight.



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