Player Topic: Jesus Navas (2015/16)

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Just as a topic of conversation how do you all think SWP (pre-Chelsea move) would have done in place of Navas in this current team?

I think his crossing would have been similar but he would have been scoring 10+ goals a season and would contribute equivalent effort and cover to that of Navas.
Once everyone's fit, Navas will be no more than an impact player from bench to stretch the game / squad player, can't fault the guys work rate and effort but he lacks the real quality this team needs, Neville said it right, he does a job but he isn't top drawer and isn't good enough when delivering that final killer ball.
Just as a topic of conversation how do you all think SWP (pre-Chelsea move) would have done in place of Navas in this current team?

I think his crossing would have been similar but he would have been scoring 10+ goals a season and would contribute equivalent effort and cover to that of Navas.

SWP before chelsea was a fantastic winger he was like Navas but had a final ball and more of a football brain. He could link up with players and was only young at the time full of promice that he never fulfilled :(
Once everyone's fit, Navas will be no more than an impact player from bench to stretch the game / squad player, can't fault the guys work rate and effort but he lacks the real quality this team needs, Neville said it right, he does a job but he isn't top drawer and isn't good enough when delivering that final killer ball.

Pellegrini seems to have faith in him, I think he puts a lot of full backs on edge with the way he can bomb up and down the pitch.

Him and sterling either side give us natural width so opens up the play for silva. He ain't top class but who in world football is there available? Ronaldo, Sanchez,can't see us landing them any time soon.
Once everyone's fit, Navas will be no more than an impact player from bench to stretch the game / squad player, can't fault the guys work rate and effort but he lacks the real quality this team needs, Neville said it right, he does a job but he isn't top drawer and isn't good enough when delivering that final killer ball.

Dont necessarily agree. Having Sterling and Navas on the pitch at the same time creates not only width, but their pace means they are normally doubled up on leaving space in trhe middle. I see many games with them both starting this season.
Love him,keeps the full back in his own half,puts in an almighty amount of work,never hides and always gives his best.
Because as a wide man you expect goals , people are already criticising Sterling yet he's scored than Navas has for god knows how long

It just looks like your after another stick to beat him with (apologies if not). We expect goals from others too remember and they have been falling short his season also.
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