Player topic: Sergio Aguero (2015/16)

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Body language: Watch Kuns body language and there's certainly problems. He hardly acknowledges KdB, he's constantantly lipping at Navas (maybe with reason) and others as well. Do you think he's maybe annoyed with KdB and Sterlings price tags and particularly if KdB is scoring goals every match almost? I notice Nasri won't pass to KdB and Ya Ya won't celebrate his goals or assists. All minor little points that could point to some overall psychological friction in general. Ultimately he just doesn't look happy and appears distant :-(
Maybe I'm just over assessing?
We only notice things like this when we are losing.
You are over assessing things, why would kun be pissed off if kdb scores seriously why? We are in a blip all teams have them and we have had them many times before. We could do with having a fully fit team for starters.

Players can be envious, jealous, upset, angry, annoyed or r just generally worried about their position or status when new players arrive. I could be over assessing but I've just watched (like a fecking idiot) our last 3 games again, including today's, and everything I've alluded to above in relation to body language is fact. I would be delighted to be wrong
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If we were losing, he used to grab the game by the scruff of the neck and drag us back into the match almost on his own. He drove the team on and led by example, showing that 'fight to the end' spirit. I'm not seeing that spirit any more. I really don't know what's going on, but from the outside looking in, it seems like more than just poor form and fitness. He just doesn't look right. It's hard to explain, but I don't think I'm the only one noticing it. The difficult thing is not knowing how concerned I should be. Only time will tell I guess.
aguero's body language is terrible thats for sure.

He's probably sick of playing shit! He's down on form, annoyed at himself and he does miss Silva as he works so well with him.

He will come good, he's too good not to. But it's fucking annoying as he was the one player who carried us for games last season and now we don't have that.
Players can be envious, jealous, upset, angry, annoyed or r just generally worried about their position or status when new players arrive. I could be over assessing but I've just watched (like a fecking idiot) our last 3 games again, including today's, and everything I've alluded to above in relation to bidy language is fact. I'm would be delighted to be wrong
Every player wants to play with the best, it brings the best out of your game. That's what top teams are about etc he was on a good run then got injured shit happens. Aguero will be back and so will the rest of the team early days yet. Suarez doesn't look upset, jealous about messi.
We only notice things like this when we are losing.

I'm not too worried about losing today, we're still the best team in the league and will bounce back but I have noticed this all round body language since KdBs introduction. Today we played reasonbly well but got caught with our pants down. The first half produced some great football but had some terrible moments like Kuns misses, Sterlings misses and passes and YaYas passing was abismal, however Fernando was inspired. We got rediculous offside decisions against us and Cabellera fecked up which made us look vulnerable then Spurs got their tails up. All I'm saying is that in general there appears to me to be an underlying tone but I'm happy to be wrong in fact no, I'm hoping that I'm wrong!
Could be something as simple as his boots have you noticed how many times he has slipped this season? He slipped with the ball into in the first half which was cut back from sagna and he also seems to be slipping when shooting from distance
or having the number 10 on his back - maybe his old father-in-law is winding him up about not yet firing on all cylinders

the number 10 obviously being THE most famous shirt number in Argentinian folk lore

^ joking obviously
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