Playing sport as you get older

Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?
I took up mountain biking again about 10 years ago (I was 36) hadn’t had a bike since I was 17?or so, as I couldn’t play football anymore, those fake pitches destroyed my knees. Great way of keeping fit plus you get to sit down while exercising.
Saw two old fellas kicking a ball at Wembley today (well, yesterday now).

They were shite. One of them was clearly that short sighted he couldn’t see the goal from 12 yards away.
I'm 53 and run at least 15km and swim at least 5km each week. Always do stretches before and after my runs and my swims sort themselves out, and never pick up any injuries.
Can''t be arsed with any team sports as I'm a bit of a "Lone Wolf". Have lost about 3.5 stone since I started exercising but I'm on a bit of a weight plateau at the moment, but I'm happy with my fitness for my age.
That's brilliant.
The Importance of stretching before and after Exercise can never be over estimated.its something that I do .sometimes,but rarely do warm downs....You have to be a very well focussed individual to to do this
I know from study it's the way to go to avoid Injury and ease post performance's just getting yourself to do it
Your post is a timely reminder sir!
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I took up mountain biking again about 10 years ago (I was 36) hadn’t had a bike since I was 17?or so, as I couldn’t play football anymore, those fake pitches destroyed my knees. Great way of keeping fit plus you get to sit down while exercising.
Glad you flagged up the fake pitches issue.
I've never,fully trusted it....
Why can't we go back to playing on grass ...Yep I know, it'll never happen.
Started running 4 years ago (aged 58). Never taken part in any sporting activity for about 30 years.

Have completed 2 half marathons and numerous 10k. Try to get out 3 times a week (even if only 2.5 miles).

Never going to be fast or win any races but it's done wonders for my physical and mental health
I took up mountain biking again about 10 years ago (I was 36) hadn’t had a bike since I was 17?or so, as I couldn’t play football anymore, those fake pitches destroyed my knees. Great way of keeping fit plus you get to sit down while exercising.
They are a problem. The knee surgeon I saw told me that he sees so many teenagers who should never have knee problems and attributed it to these artificial surfaces

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