Playing sport as you get older

I'm 64 and took up walking football 4 years ago despite having no cruciate in my right knee after rupturing it 25 years ago. The joy of a perfectly weighted through-ball or a goal off the underside of the bar never grows old. The social activities, including overseas competitions are good too.

One thing though, is knowing your own body. Everyone who joins, wins our "player of the match" award the first time they come. Then can't play for a week or two as they recover from their injuries from overdoing it in trying to impress. You soon learn when to just let a ball run out of play rather than stretch for it.

Warming up is crucial and I supplement the football with an hour's pilates every week too.
42, soon to be 43 and I play 1-2 hours of tennis 5 days a week. Rugby twice a week and I gym every day and try to swim 1k 3 times a week.

When I started this regimen I was achy as fuck and constantly on ibruprofen to be able to walk without full pains in my ankles and knees.

I’ve been doing the above three years now and found that supplements help a great deal. I take glucosamine for the joints, protein shakes with creatine for energy and the usual multivitamins because I always think they can’t hurt.

Stick with it, your body will get used to the added load and you’ll be adding years to your life.
My joints do get sore with activities, so does glucosamine really help ?
54 I play competitive 11 aside football at weekends
Then I play competitive tennis most evenings
I think once you stop it’s hard to go back so I keep going
I find tennis more brutal though
I’m starting yoga next week ( hoping it helps with the bad back )
Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?
Keeping up at golf (as shite as I am), got my Concept 2 rower in the garage (try to do 5km a day), try to get out for walks and 'switch off' and also taken back up playing squash 2 / 3 times a week.

I'm shite a squash as well but just means that it's a great cardio work out and makes the other guy feel good ;-)

Look like a drowned rat within minutes of being on the court each and every time.

I'm 38 for what it's worth and yes injuries are a lot harder to manage nowadays..........
I’m out the sports game.

Just dedicate a lot of days to running, I can be my own boss and can do it on my own time.

I stick to Parkrun religiously and sign up for a 10k/half marathon race once a month to keep me training for something.

* I never stretch, I’ve never had an injury.
Fucking show off....….….. ;-)
I do a 12 mile circuit on my mountain bike every other day and I play badminton once a week.

I'm 42 now and it's enough to keep me ticking over regarding weight and feeling good.

There are two lads I play badminton with. One is a little overweight so the games are less intense but one is ex army who's fitness mad and ran a marathon not long ago. Games against him leave me absolutely shattered and sore for days after. I've got to the point of not particularly looking forward to playing him as I have to give everything to keep it competitive and the tiredness and pain after just isn't worth it. I.dont remember feeling like that a few years ago and I put it down to age.

It'd be wise to know and accept your limits as you get older. Being ultra competitive, especially against younger blokes will likely cause you damage.

But becoming a coach potato isn't the answer either. Regular, moderate and enjoyable exercise would be my recommendation.

I look terrible without my top on though so maybe I'm not the best for advice on this subject....
Is that the fate that awaits Guardiola........... ;-)

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