
It still doesn't alter the fact that although he willingly complied with said bail condition/request and in no way form or fashion tried to avoid such or felt any need to, he was still inconvenienced and thus not the party at fault, he wasn't the one being incompetent here.

In this instance he has indeed actually 'done fuck all wrong'!
Quick anecdote-but during a wintry night in the cells, a lad was released from custody. he lived about 10 miles from the station.

We had a taxi rank across the road-I gave him £20 out of my own pocket to get himself home.

But to your point-who knows what happened-a mix up, OIC off sick and failed to update line manager, NFA'd and OP not informed (most likely) or OIC called to an urgent job...no idea, but he's better getting his solicitor to establish his current status rather than pursuing a complaint-which is going to achieve 'fuck all'.
Quick anecdote-but during a wintry night in the cells, a lad was released from custody. he lived about 10 miles from the station.

We had a taxi rank across the road-I gave him £20 out of my own pocket to get himself home.

But to your point-who knows what happened-a mix up, OIC off sick and failed to update line manager, NFA'd and OP not informed (most likely) or OIC called to an urgent job...no idea, but he's better getting his solicitor to establish his current status rather than pursuing a complaint-which is going to achieve 'fuck all'.
I hear you, i honestly do.

However, i also see no problem whatsoever in him lodging a complaint, things like this shouldn't go unchecked or ignored in this day n time, it could prove to avoid such inconveniences re-occurring in future.
I hear you, i honestly do.

However, i also see no problem whatsoever in him lodging a complaint, things like this shouldn't go unchecked or ignored in this day n time, it could prove to avoid such inconveniences re-occurring in future.
It won't though-because mistakes always happen-of course he's entitled to make a complaint.

But as someone who'd be given these low level complaints to deal with, its just a waste of everyone's time.

Worst case scenario-'what happened?' 'I messed up/forgot/got the wrong date/forgot to update him'

'ok, dont do it again.'

Yeah, you can the officer a negative performance record but its a lot of work for v little-of course it may be more indicative of poor performance from the officer, then it may have value.

Of course, I'm biased and those complaints were simply extra workload and loads of paperwork-(getting the OP in to speak to him..forgetting and leaving him outside..for hours..I jest)

But, the OP gets no benefit from it-his priority is himself.
It won't though-because mistakes always happen-of course he's entitled to make a complaint.

But as someone who'd be given these low level complaints to deal with, its just a waste of everyone's time.

Worst case scenario-'what happened?' 'I messed up/forgot/got the wrong date/forgot to update him'
Mistakes will always happen and will no doubt continue to happen, granted, but if he feels that he was inconvenienced in any way then rightly so there isn't and shouldn't be no problem in him exercising his entitlement to have it documented on record.

Best case scenario- ...it may or may 'not' happen again to someone else in future.

Who knows...

Yeah, you can the officer a negative performance record but its a lot of work for v little-of course it may be more indicative of poor performance from the officer, then it may have value.

Of course, I'm biased and those complaints were simply extra workload and loads of paperwork-(getting the OP in to speak to him..forgetting and leaving him outside..for hours..I jest)
An apology to Sutty by the aforementioned department would suffice. (if i were in his shoes) :-)

But, the OP gets no benefit from it-his priority is himself.
If the OP doesn't take himself seriously then he can't expect anyone else to do so.

Up holding his integrity and not having it or his character compromised through no fault of his own is the perfect way of prioritising himself whilst standing on his principles, i'd like to think that would be very beneficial.
Mistakes will always happen and will no doubt continue to happen, granted, but if he feels that he was inconvenienced in any way then rightly so there isn't and shouldn't be no problem in him exercising his entitlement to have it documented on record.

Best case scenario- ...it may or may 'not' happen again to someone else in future.

Who knows...

An apology to Sutty by the aforementioned department would suffice. (if i were in his shoes) :-)

If the OP doesn't take himself seriously then he can't expect anyone else to do so.

Up holding his integrity and not having it or his character compromised through no fault of his own is the perfect way of prioritising himself whilst standing on his principles, i'd like to think that would be very beneficial.
Guilty until proven innocent etc. clearly a wrong un.
A few years ago me and Mrs Mist were driving in the rain along Washway Road, Sale. Suddenly an elderly lady went sprawling on the pavement. We pulled in and helped her to her feet. I offered to take her home but she adamantly refused. She had to get to Altrincham Police Station where she worked in the police museum. Poor woman, elderly, confused, I mean a museum in the local nick, ha ha, yeh right. She was adamant she didn't want her Denis troubling, she was going to work. Knowing Denis had probably been dead 20 years it seemed the easiest thing to do was humour her. I said we drop her off and that way the dibble can be dumped with the crazy lady.
Like the OP, I found the nick shut and no one answering the intercom. I was getting piss wet through. I then saw a yellow 'bat' phone and tried that. I explained to the copper where I was, batty woman etc and he said he'd get someone out.
A few minutes later a cop came to the door, again I explained, batty woman, elderly, confused and thinks this is a police museum. He came to the car, opened the door and said 'Ay up Beryl, have you fallen, come on let's get you inside'
This confirmed my suspicion, clearly the local cops were always dealing with her.
'Oh you know her' I said......
'Yes she works here in our museum'. Fuck me did I feel stupid.
Oh and Denis was alive and well sat at home.

I'm never helping anyone again.
Mistakes will always happen and will no doubt continue to happen, granted, but if he feels that he was inconvenienced in any way then rightly so there isn't and shouldn't be no problem in him exercising his entitlement to have it documented on record.

Best case scenario- ...it may or may 'not' happen again to someone else in future.

Who knows...

An apology to Sutty by the aforementioned department would suffice. (if i were in his shoes) :-)

If the OP doesn't take himself seriously then he can't expect anyone else to do so.

Up holding his integrity and not having it or his character compromised through no fault of his own is the perfect way of prioritising himself whilst standing on his principles, i'd like to think that would be very beneficial.
Quite often people are economical with the truth though.

Is the OP going to gain satisfaction from thinking someone is ‘in trouble?’

Officers are run ragged.

I’ve suggested he clears it up with his brief. From experience I have limited sympathy-bail conditions pre charge have to meet a certain bar to be authorised……they aren’t just given out like they were a decade ago.

It would be helpful if the OP were to explain what he was on bail for.
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a little bit off-topic,
but can't think where else to pose this
and don't want to start a thread.

@bert38 as you've volunteered you occupation,
maybe you can shed some light on the matter...

just up the road from my mum there's a fella with an alsation,
ex-police dog german shepherd.
the fucking thing is out of control.
everybody is genuinely scared of it.

the bloke has absolutely no skills in dog handling.
he takes it for a walk and it wants to attack anything that moves.
all he does is hold it back and pet it to comfort it.
he's always having to cross the road to avoid situations.

seemingly, several years ago he had another alsation.
that one nearly took a postman's hand off and was put down.
so the fella has history.
he isn't doing it on purpose,
he's not training the dogs to attack people,
he's just crap at showing them they are behaving badly.

last week, the dog got out.
it went for a 9yr old boy playing in the street.
had hold of him for a few seconds,
then took a chunk out of the kid's arm.

a man opposite jumped his fence,
just as the dog went for the boy's throat,
he put the kid on his shoulders
and held off the dog.

apparently the bloke is going to be taken to court,
but my question is this...
why is he still able to take the dog for a walk every day?
no muzzle.
just a simple lead.
still scaring the shit out of everyone.

edit: oh, and guess which team's football shirt the prick wears!
a little bit off-topic,
but can't think where else to pose this
and don't want to start a thread.

@bert38 as you've volunteered you occupation,
maybe you can shed some light on the matter...

just up the road from my mum there's a fella with an alsation,
ex-police dog german shepherd.
the fucking thing is out of control.
everybody is genuinely scared of it.

the bloke has absolutely no skills in dog handling.
he takes it for a walk and it wants to attack anything that moves.
all he does is hold it back and pet it to comfort it.
he's always having to cross the road to avoid situations.

seemingly, several years ago he had another alsation.
that one nearly took a postman's hand off and was put down.
so the fella has history.
he isn't doing it on purpose,
he's not training the dogs to attack people,
he's just crap at showing them they are behaving badly.

last week, the dog got out.
it went for a 9yr old boy playing in the street.
had hold of him for a few seconds,
then took a chunk out of the kid's arm.

a man opposite jumped his fence,
just as the dog went for the boy's throat,
he put the kid on his shoulders
and held off the dog.

apparently the bloke is going to be taken to court,
but my question is this...
why is he still able to take the dog for a walk every day?
no muzzle.
just a simple lead.
still scaring the shit out of everyone.

edit: oh, and guess which team's football shirt the prick wears!
Sounds like an absolute nightmare.

And I don’t mind answering police questions at all-although in October I’ve been retired 4 years so I’m aware my relevance is time limited, simply because things change.

Is this bloke going to court in relation to the latest dog attack?

If not I’d be reporting it to the police. There are things that can be done-ultimately a court can order a dog to be destroyed and the owner to be banned from owning dogs.

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