Post Match Thread: City vs Spurs

what was that last kick from silver
Yaya was one of the few bright spots today, can't believe ppl are using him as a scapegoat...
becouse some people have pet hates ,and have made up their minds,we are football fans at the end of the day ,not the brightest specimen on the planet
The decision was shit, but i await the backlash when i say we got a massive run if the green to put us in a cup final, sterling over ran the ball by at least a yard, they say these things even themselves out, today he got given a penalty against him for a hand ball that wasn't, i didn't hear to many of us saying how corrupt football was that night, we were very unlucky to loose today, but top and bottom of it is we are not good enough this season, the players dont want it, rolled over by leicester last week, spuds 6 points off us, the players clearly dont want it enough
fair point but to bring the ONE decision we have had all season into your post smells a little ,that call was impossible for the linesman on the far side to see and difficult for the ref becouse of his position, as apposed to rank bad call week in week out ,we have been poor most of the season granted,but if we can slag our own players and manager off then shit officials deserve both barrals and by the way "yard " wtf
He is one of the worst managers City have ever had. His selections and subs are inexplicable

We played better today inspite of Pellegrini and if we fail to qualify for the Champions League it will be his fault. He is putting it all at risk with his crazy selection of a player who is finished.
The most clueless poster on here by a mile.....don't reply as I've had enough of this shit for the night.
He was isolated. We were much better today but still way short of where we need to be.

We wont do anything until Toure is dropped, and if he managed to play the entire game when he was kanckered after 30 minute then Pellegrini is never going to drop him

Out of interest, would have replaced him with Kolarov or Demichellis in centre mid today?

Sometimes this season he's been awful. Today wasn't one of those days.
HOW has the title gone FFS? We're 6 points behind with 36 to play for.
Look i hope im wrong and ibagree the numbers give hope...maybe sayung jts gone was too strong. But we have 3 teams to catch up on and only 1 of them to play again potentially too late. But we have lost 7 games and id be shockex if we dont lose more with our upcoming work load....thats simply too many to win a title.
I'm not getting too downbeat on that result. Starting 11 was spot on with what we had available and I thought that there was a clear change in tactics from a high line to the whole team dropping deeper, and tbf it worked very well because Tottenham didn't have any chances bar the goals so you have to praise Manuel for that. The penalty decision was absolutely astonishing and once again we've been robbed by the refs, it's just ridiculous how we've had so many bad decisions go against us, whereas it's rare we get one for us.
You feel more confident about us getting 4th now than a week ago....? Weird given this comes after our second home defeat in a row in a week...

As I said, we look to have the basis of a solid team.
HOW has the title gone FFS? We're 6 points behind with 36 to play for.

To be fair, what he said is hardly ridiculous. Negative, granted. However, a few of us have thought the same for a while. We haven't played well, Yaya's decline has been rapid, we look tired (partly due to players having to play more than usual because of injury) and we have suffered badly with injuries.

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