Post Match Thread: City vs West Ham

'I'm going to go through this forum with a fine tooth comb and every fucker who asked if we can go unbeaten through the season or how many games we could go unbeaten for is going to be banned!'

Those blokes on the Blue Moon Podcast should hang themselves, sorry, their heads too. Calling it as 3-0? 3 bloody 0 against a speedy counterattacking team who play better away from home? A side with Payet in it and a manager as wily as Bilic?

That said, KDB's effective enthusiasm and Sagna and Ota's commitment deserved better imo. Demi too.

20 20 hindsight, marvellous.
What's this shit about Aguero being 100% fit? My fucking arse he's fit. Why don't they just get him right before using him. It pisses me right off. He was so far off the money today he was unrecognisable.

The first half was conducted at fucking walking pace. KDB showed that it's worth having a shot. The amount of times we could have peppered the net but instead tried to walk it in. The crowd were getting right on Navas' back and rightly so. He can't find a blue shirt for toffee.

And the ref was fucking paid off. Disgrace
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. The usual criticism on here is that he's too indecisive and waits too long to make substitutions; now he's being acccused of panicking. The decision to bring Bony didn't come off, but it was entirely understandable: all of our play was going down the right hand side, any chance of a goal was most likely to come from a cross/pull back from Navas, so it make sense to get a striker on who usually thrives on getting on the end of those types of ball - all the more so, as Sterling wasn't posing much a threat. Plenty of people on here were saying that Sterling should have been left on because a 'goal was coming', but how long do you wait? We'd played 20-25 minutes in the second half and the goal hadn't materialised. And I dare say that had he not brought Bony on, there would have been a fair few 'why didn't he bring Bony on, FFS' posts.

Sorry, mate. When we are a serious and constant threat and a goal is in sight, you don't get a creative player off and chuck dull Bony in. Nacho had more touches than him ffs.
I'm well and truly pissed off with referees bending over backwards to make sure the away side get a fair crack of the whip at the expense of applying the Laws of the Game. And I am well and truly pissed off with referees who indulge players feigning injury and going down with fictitious knocks. And what happened to goalkeepers wasting time and players taking an outrageous time to walk off the pitch. Is that still considered an infringement? Didn't Joe H get booked last season for time wasting? The Wiiiiiiiiiist Hiiiiiiim goalkeeper ne'er got a warning, a talking to, a finger wagged. Nothing. I think there is nothing that pisses off home fans than this kind of shite!

The sooner we adopt the rugby union approach and treat people on the pitch while play continues the better!
We've played worse and won 3-0.

Whoever it was who stood off their man for the first goal was a bit poor and that's the only complaint I have today.

de Bruyne looks excellent!
Yep, summed it up perfectly. Both DeBruyne and Ottamendi played very well. Well chuffed with those two.
We needed to show that we could bounce back from a bad result and we didn't.

That's the main worry for me. We needed to get back to winning ways after Juve and we got beat in a game we dominated. Again. For the second time in a week.

That's not the mark of champions whichever way you slice it.

It was a freak result, but we seem to suffer freak results more than any other team, while other shit teams fluke result after result from nowhere.

God, I fucking hate football sometimes.
Don't know how much longer Pelligrini insists on playing Navas who has difficulty crossing the road never mind putting an accurate ball across the goal. How many times did Navas attempt a pass only to be blocked by a West Ham defender? Most of the time. It doesn't matter how much speed you've got, if you can't send in an accurate cross, the speed is wasted. Hopefully, David Silva will be fit and Navas can warm the bench for the rest of the season while KDB shows him how it's done.

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