Potential for Serious Violence

Yawn zzzzzzzzzzz, anyone wanna know what really happend?

A few of rags "old heads" came out of "retirement" (FFS you lot make it sound like a job :D), didn't even go to the game, met outside the ground where they were joined by a few giddy rags who actually went to the game. As they all shook hands and muttered the words "you avin it son, like the fuckin old days" the group got bigger and bigger. Meanwhile a bunch of younger rags and city fans were doing their best impressions of audtioning as an extra in Green Street and Football Factory by offering each other out whilst hiding behind a mate or walking backwards. Then the "battle cry" went up with RED ARMY and they all ran towards asda chasing all the young city fans who looked like they were auditioning for a part as an extra in GS and FF. The unlucky ones got slapped, the lucky ones headed for Asda whilst ringing for their mummy and daddy to come and pick them up. The rags then got moved up Ashton New Road heading for Piccadilly where all of the above happend once again (minus the asda bit, it gets posher as you get to town) outside the Mitchell Arms pub, the Bank of England pub and all the way through to Market Street in town.

Then they all went their separate ways, the young lads went home to boast on the forums about how they "took" Eastlands, how City never "showed up" and how each and every single one of them had 5 city fans at a time and still came home without a scratch as they are hard. The "old heads" who have now gone back into "retirement" until the next big game, went home, got the laptop out and added another chapter to the same mundane hooligan books about how in 2010 the Red Army took Eastlands, hoping to send it off to Danny Dyer so he will make it into a film.

Meanwhile the ones who aren't pathetic, embarrasing, deluded or thick (like my goodself) went home with the biggest smile i have had on my ugly face for a long time delighted that we beat the rag twats and couldn't give a fuck if the "red army" took eastlands, the blue army took eastlands on the pitch and that is all that matters.

No bullshit, just the truth.
Luckily I didn't get caught up in any of the trouble myself, I made the point of sticking my scarf in a drawstring bag before and after the game (which I would have bought with me anyway for my programme) and I zipped my hoodie fully up so my shirt wasn't visible to and from the Stadium.

We did see a large group of police standing around one part of the Stadium next to a few police vans before the match so decided not to walk down past them and then the same again after the match. But when we were walking back towards town we saw at least ten police vans zoom past us followed by a big group of police on horseback and they were heading in the direction we were going but then turned the other way. We pretty much walked as fast as we could to stay with the crowd and get away from any trouble that might have been behind us. At one of the bus stops there were three police that had cornered some guy but he wasn't causing trouble at that point. As we turned the corner towards Piccadilly train station the police had a few guys lined up against walls and were searching them and just barracading them from the fans walking past but they weren't fighting or arguing or anything. Other than that though I didn't see any actual fights or violence, I think the police did a top class job tonight around the areas that we were going through.

I think it's ridiculous to cause trouble and start fights anyway but to hear that some of them picked on people who had kids with them is just plain sick, it really does show that they are scum. I hope those who were unlucky enough to get caught up in any trouble are okay now.

Immaculate Pasta said:
Yawn zzzzzzzzzzz, anyone wanna know what really happend?

A few of rags "old heads" came out of "retirement" (FFS you lot make it sound like a job :D), didn't even go to the game, met outside the ground where they were joined by a few giddy rags who actually went to the game. As they all shook hands and muttered the words "you avin it son, like the fuckin old days" the group got bigger and bigger. Meanwhile a bunch of younger rags and city fans were doing their best impressions of audtioning as an extra in Green Street and Football Factory by offering each other out whilst hiding behind a mate or walking backwards. Then the "battle cry" went up with RED ARMY and they all ran towards asda chasing all the young city fans who looked like they were auditioning for a part as an extra in GS and FF. The unlucky ones got slapped, the lucky ones headed for Asda whilst ringing for their mummy and daddy to come and pick them up. The rags then got moved up Ashton New Road heading for Piccadilly where all of the above happend once again (minus the asda bit, it gets posher as you get to town) outside the Mitchell Arms pub, the Bank of England pub and all the way through to Market Street in town.

Then they all went their separate ways, the young lads went home to boast on the forums about how they "took" Eastlands, how City never "showed up" and how each and every single one of them had 5 city fans at a time and still came home without a scratch as they are hard. The "old heads" who have now gone back into "retirement" until the next big game, went home, got the laptop out and added another chapter to the same mundane hooligan books about how in 2010 the Red Army took Eastlands, hoping to send it off to Danny Dyer so he will make it into a film.

Meanwhile the ones who aren't pathetic, embarrasing, deluded or thick (like my goodself) went home with the biggest smile i have had on my ugly face for a long time delighted that we beat the rag twats and couldn't give a fuck if the "red army" took eastlands, the blue army took eastlands on the pitch and that is all that matters.

No bullshit, just the truth.

i lol'd, 3 times.
On and another thing, whoevers idea it was to let both sets of fans out at the same time deserves a medal as much as Barack Obama deserves the nobel peace prize 2009.

They could of saved the street theatre production of green street.

I hope frodo is ok.
Saw a load of trouble walking down towards Ancoats but the police seem to have them pinned at the Mitchell Arms...but then those police rushed right past us towards Piccadilly way
I missed it all, had to absolutely leg it to Piccadilly for my train. Probably for the best. I think I ran faster than Benjani did while he was on. Probably further as well.

Immaculate Pasta said:
Yawn zzzzzzzzzzz, anyone wanna know what really happend?

A few of rags "old heads" came out of "retirement" (FFS you lot make it sound like a job :D), didn't even go to the game, met outside the ground where they were joined by a few giddy rags who actually went to the game. As they all shook hands and muttered the words "you avin it son, like the fuckin old days" the group got bigger and bigger. Meanwhile a bunch of younger rags and city fans were doing their best impressions of audtioning as an extra in Green Street and Football Factory by offering each other out whilst hiding behind a mate or walking backwards. Then the "battle cry" went up with RED ARMY and they all ran towards asda chasing all the young city fans who looked like they were auditioning for a part as an extra in GS and FF. The unlucky ones got slapped, the lucky ones headed for Asda whilst ringing for their mummy and daddy to come and pick them up. The rags then got moved up Ashton New Road heading for Piccadilly where all of the above happend once again (minus the asda bit, it gets posher as you get to town) outside the Mitchell Arms pub, the Bank of England pub and all the way through to Market Street in town.

Then they all went their separate ways, the young lads went home to boast on the forums about how they "took" Eastlands, how City never "showed up" and how each and every single one of them had 5 city fans at a time and still came home without a scratch as they are hard. The "old heads" who have now gone back into "retirement" until the next big game, went home, got the laptop out and added another chapter to the same mundane hooligan books about how in 2010 the Red Army took Eastlands, hoping to send it off to Danny Dyer so he will make it into a film.

Meanwhile the ones who aren't pathetic, embarrasing, deluded or thick (like my goodself) went home with the biggest smile i have had on my ugly face for a long time delighted that we beat the rag twats and couldn't give a fuck if the "red army" took eastlands, the blue army took eastlands on the pitch and that is all that matters.

No bullshit, just the truth.

Quite simply a brilliant post. Did anyone see the Child In Black that was cuffed and stood with 3 coppers at the bus stop outside the Mitchell Arms? He actually used the line "It's not fair, there was loads of us trying to fight". A few Blues walking past were taking the piss and he... I kid you not... started crying and asked if he could phone his Mum. The icing on an already brilliant cake!
Immaculate Pasta said:
On and another thing, whoevers idea it was to let both sets of fans out at the same time deserves a medal as much as Barack Obama deserves the nobel peace prize 2009.

They could of saved the street theatre production of green street.

I hope frodo is ok.

Absolutely correct my friend what a stupid idea to let them out at the same time...
United front line old school boys all got collared and frisked by police right near piccadily,some big guys it had to be sed!!

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