Potential for Serious Violence

Scottyboi said:
Breadsnapper said:
So you're telling me that the City hooligans protect other City fans from other football hooligans?
You sir smoke too much crack! You stagger me with your stupidity. Don't we have Police at football matches, you know the ones you give attitude to and wonder why you get treated like shit. And don't give me they treat everyone like shite because they don't. I bet you're one the lads that walks past coppers snarling at them, muttering under your breath. Then complain to your mates that there all bastards and treat you like shit.

You dick, if other clubs had no one to fight they would still hit our normal fans regardless. Im not even involved in it so wind your neck in. 2 sides to every story.
What an intelligent reposte.
If there were NO hooligans then no one would get hurt. And aren't you saying that hooligans only go after hooligans? If that's the case then you have defeated your own argument.
For someone who claimes not to be involved you are awfully defensive, are we hitting a nerve when when we're calling hooligans? Are you one?
There isn't two sides to the story there is one, hooliganism is wrong.
I think all Scottyboi meant was that if there were no City 'lads' to fight with, the scum would still go round slapping women and kids more than they do now/
Breadsnapper said:
Scottyboi said:
You dick, if other clubs had no one to fight they would still hit our normal fans regardless. Im not even involved in it so wind your neck in. 2 sides to every story.
What an intelligent reposte.
If there were NO hooligans then no one would get hurt. And aren't you saying that hooligans only go after hooligans? If that's the case then you have defeated your own argument.
For someone who claimes not to be involved you are awfully defensive, are we hitting a nerve when when we're calling hooligans? Are you one?
There isn't two sides to the story there is one, hooliganism is wrong.

Hang on, you start calling names then try and take some sort of intelligance based moral high ground???

cant you even see your own quote in the post?
you sir are making yourself look like a buffoon
mike1923 said:
I think all Scottyboi meant was that if there were no City 'lads' to fight with, the scum would still go round slapping women and kids more than they do now/
But don't hooligans just go after other hooligans? If there were no hooligans at City then the mib would not go after fans. Or is it a popular myth?
Reality is that they are all sad little boys who want to grow up! Cearly they have something missing in their lives.
My message is a bit hypocritical. If you don't want anything to do with it, walk away from the debate. Anyone mouthing on here, for any side of any arguement won't soley change the mentality of both City and United fans weeks from now. Why waste your breathe. If people want to talk on here as though it is Football Factory to give the ambiguous imopression that is what they live out of a Saturday afternoon, then leave the mugs to it.
Breadsnapper said:
mike1923 said:
I think all Scottyboi meant was that if there were no City 'lads' to fight with, the scum would still go round slapping women and kids more than they do now/
But don't hooligans just go after other hooligans? If there were no hooligans at City then the mib would not go after fans. Or is it a popular myth?
Reality is that they are all sad little boys who want to grow up! Cearly they have something missing in their lives.

If they were 'proper' hooligans (and I know there's nothing proper about football violence but I think you catch my drift), I'd say you were right. If there's nobody to fight with you'd just call it a day.

BUt from my very limited experience of SOME of United's fans, they do seem like the kind of tossers who would just give women and kids a slap because there was nobody else around. I suspect these are the hangers on, and not the 'main boys' but they'd still be around if there was nobody else to fight with, and still be trying to kick off with whoever was there. Cowards of the highest order.
Breadsnapper said:
Scottyboi said:
You dick, if other clubs had no one to fight they would still hit our normal fans regardless. Im not even involved in it so wind your neck in. 2 sides to every story.
What an intelligent reposte.
If there were NO hooligans then no one would get hurt. And aren't you saying that hooligans only go after hooligans? If that's the case then you have defeated your own argument.
For someone who claimes not to be involved you are awfully defensive, are we hitting a nerve when when we're calling hooligans? Are you one?
There isn't two sides to the story there is one, hooliganism is wrong.

No there is always going to be hooligans regardless of whether we stop or not but if City didn't have there own hooligans then all the other would run a riot and just attack out innocent fans. The hooligans would fight each other rather than just random fans minding their own business. Look at the derby last year, I heard countless stories of people getting beat up 6v1 just because they were wearing a City shirt.
The hooligans aren't protecting but attracting the attention away from the average fan.
mike1923 said:
Breadsnapper said:
But don't hooligans just go after other hooligans? If there were no hooligans at City then the mib would not go after fans. Or is it a popular myth?
Reality is that they are all sad little boys who want to grow up! Cearly they have something missing in their lives.

If they were 'proper' hooligans (and I know there's nothing proper about football violence but I think you catch my drift), I'd say you were right. If there's nobody to fight with you'd just call it a day.

BUt from my very limited experience of SOME of United's fans, they do seem like the kind of tossers who would just give women and kids a slap because there was nobody else around. I suspect these are the hangers on, and not the 'main boys' but they'd still be around if there was nobody else to fight with, and still be trying to kick off with whoever was there. Cowards of the highest order.

But they still go after women/kids etc now even though we do apparently still have "lads" of our own. But to suggest our "lads" protect us from a pasting is stretching the truth somewhat. The truth is that Utd have some scrotes that will try and hit anything that doesn't look scary, then run back into their group and post online about the "Taking of Beswick 1,2,3"

City do not need "top boys", "main men", "guvnors" or harry fucking potter to protect us from them. To suggest otherwise is ludicrous.
Tommy you said what I was trying to say, but a bit better!

The City hooligans are more of a distraction than a protection.

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