Potential for Serious Violence

mike1923 said:
Tommy you said what I was trying to say, but a bit better!

The City hooligans are more of a distraction than a protection.

Then I would probably understand that logic I guess.
SWP's back said:
mike1923 said:
If they were 'proper' hooligans (and I know there's nothing proper about football violence but I think you catch my drift), I'd say you were right. If there's nobody to fight with you'd just call it a day.

BUt from my very limited experience of SOME of United's fans, they do seem like the kind of tossers who would just give women and kids a slap because there was nobody else around. I suspect these are the hangers on, and not the 'main boys' but they'd still be around if there was nobody else to fight with, and still be trying to kick off with whoever was there. Cowards of the highest order.

But they still go after women/kids etc now even though we do apparently still have "lads" of our own. But to suggest our "lads" protect us from a pasting is stretching the truth somewhat. The truth is that Utd have some scrotes that will try and hit anything that doesn't look scary, then run back into their group and post online about the "Taking of Beswick 1,2,3"

City do not need "top boys", "main men", "guvnors" or harry fucking potter to protect us from them. To suggest otherwise is ludicrous.

Would happen a lot more though if we don't have hooligans of our own looking to fight them. Let them fight each other and leave everyone else out of it.
That's all I meant to say. If the children want to fight with each other then they will do, hopefully nobody else needs to be dragged into it.
Glazers_Wallet said:
I saw this when them mib's knocked the fence down at cc and they smacked a couple of scarfers / kids / woman as soon as a few of us who were up for it ran up to them they ran off like little kids playing knock n run.

I was there at that point mate! Came out of Entrance/Exit K and walked down towards the main road. Saw some builders fences and behind them was about 30-40 MIB's giving it the big one with big frowns on their faces. Then - good timing this - just as I was walking past them one of the fences fell over right in front of me, I thought I had no choice but to stand there and fight but most of them ran behind the next fence and the few that did come out of the gap ran straight past me and screamed in some woman and her daughters face. Their patheticness is laughable!

Now I'm sure there are some handy lads in that MIB crew, no doubt. But on the whole they are a complete joke. Like someone previous has posted, hooligan crews in this country would be laughed at by the likes of the Serbia fans or the Polish. But even so football has had a hooligan following since it was first formed with the scuttler firms in the late Victorian times and it's still there now. The posters who say that 'put any of these lads on te front line blah di blah..." yeah, well how do you explain it when lads have been in the army and at war and have left the army only to find themselves lost in society with little job prospects and there is a growing bunch like this who are going into football hooliganism?

And even I enjoy fighting. I don't go looking for it in any way at all and I've only had one scrap over the years but I actually enjoyed it, and I played rugby for 6-7 years and really enjoyed the physical battle of looking at your opponent and wanting to break the guy in half, it's a fuckin buzz that very little else lives up to! Does that make me a pathetic, brain dead idiot? I don't think it does really!

Humans are a fighting species, we have been for thousands of years and we are now. Whether some people think they have morally evolved to be bigger and better than people who fight, then sobeit, but many people like a good scrap! I am not defending football hooliganism, and especially when innocent people get hurt by it! But people shouldn't be so naive to think just because they think it's wrong it won't go on.
danburge82 said:
Glazers_Wallet said:
I saw this when them mib's knocked the fence down at cc and they smacked a couple of scarfers / kids / woman as soon as a few of us who were up for it ran up to them they ran off like little kids playing knock n run.

I was there at that point mate! Came out of Entrance/Exit K and walked down towards the main road. Saw some builders fences and behind them was about 30-40 MIB's giving it the big one with big frowns on their faces. Then - good timing this - just as I was walking past them one of the fences fell over right in front of me, I thought I had no choice but to stand there and fight but most of them ran behind the next fence and the few that did come out of the gap ran straight past me and screamed in some woman and her daughters face. Their patheticness is laughable!

Now I'm sure there are some handy lads in that MIB crew, no doubt. But on the whole they are a complete joke. Like someone previous has posted, hooligan crews in this country would be laughed at by the likes of the Serbia fans or the Polish. But even so football has had a hooligan following since it was first formed with the scuttler firms in the late Victorian times and it's still there now. The posters who say that 'put any of these lads on te front line blah di blah..." yeah, well how do you explain it when lads have been in the army and at war and have left the army only to find themselves lost in society with little job prospects and there is a growing bunch like this who are going into football hooliganism?

And even I enjoy fighting. I don't go looking for it in any way at all and I've only had one scrap over the years but I actually enjoyed it, and I played rugby for 6-7 years and really enjoyed the physical battle of looking at your opponent and wanting to break the guy in half, it's a fuckin buzz that very little else lives up to! Does that make me a pathetic, brain dead idiot? I don't think it does really!

Humans are a fighting species, we have been for thousands of years and we are now. Whether some people think they have morally evolved to be bigger and better than people who fight, then sobeit, but many people like a good scrap! I am not defending football hooliganism, and especially when innocent people get hurt by it! But people shouldn't be so naive to think just because they think it's wrong it won't go on.
It was me mate. The thing is though, as was the point I was trying to make, you wouldn't get them anywhere near those Serb fans, they would simply say 'no thanks'. Shit heads, all of them. I've posted this before I think. Years ago before the TNS game at CoMs, I went into Weatherspoons with a mate of mine and are kid. Another lad was in there who I know, and who is 'involved', lets say. He came over to me, (at that ppoint I was about 25 and he was mid 30's), and said 'City' main guy is here soon mate', in a really excited way. Low and behold about 10 mins later, this guy walks in with about 4 hangers on and before you know it people are almost drooling over him and licking his arse. The lad I know signalled over as if to say, 'thats him mate', and I signalled back a sarcastic 'yep, thats great that you nob head' to him. I'm a bit of a hyprocrite though when it comes to this, as I have a fascination with the Italian Ultra scene, and for the life of me I couldn't tell you why. All I know is I see fat, waster Englishmen jumping up and down like twats, rarely getting more than a slap in one on one, and then I see these Italians basically owning their clubs and it just makes me laugh how English skin heads can claim to be football thugs, as what they are doing has fuck all to do with their club or the game itself.
Tragic meat van guy said:
Breadsnapper said:
What an intelligent reposte.
If there were NO hooligans then no one would get hurt. And aren't you saying that hooligans only go after hooligans? If that's the case then you have defeated your own argument.
For someone who claimes not to be involved you are awfully defensive, are we hitting a nerve when when we're calling hooligans? Are you one?
There isn't two sides to the story there is one, hooliganism is wrong.

Hang on, you start calling names then try and take some sort of intelligance based moral high ground???

cant you even see your own quote in the post?
you sir are making yourself look like a buffoon
I think I called HOOLIGANS scum, shit house, a virus, cock roaches, Oxygen sponges. And I stand by that. Now if your friend that you seem to be supporting is a hooligan then he is all those things, no apology made.
there can never be a justification for violence just because you belong to a different tribe than me. And that's what it boils down to pure tribalism. However in a modern society, that is meant to be civilised then there is no place for hooligans. Sorry that's how I feel. That's the benefit of living in a democratic state I can expres an opinion just as you can.
I have said all that I am going to say other than it dissapoints me that there are quite a few people that can post very articulate posts, have witty banter and exchanges but think it's Ok to scrap at football matches and try to justify it. Staggering.
I met a 'City Hooligan' last week at the Arsenal game in the car park, just because he wanted to cut me off he felt he had to get out of the car and try and punch me through the open window before jumping back in his car. All this while his 10/11 year old was flicking the old vs out of the rear window. Funny as fu@k or he seem to think so, sad tw@t as far as I was concerned.
I met a 'City Hooligan' last week at the Arsenal game in the car park, just because he wanted to cut me off he felt he had to get out of the car and try and punch me through the open window before jumping back in his car. All this while his 10/11 year old was flicking the old vs out of the rear window. Funny as fu@k or he seem to think so, sad tw@t as far as I was concerned.
I used to have that cutting me up problem when I parked in the abbatoir in the first season at the stadium. All you can hope is that he had a crash and his legs are now broken. Sounds like a real arsehole to me.
Oh well i suppose , that at least nowadays , you have only certain 'powder-keg' matches to be wary of .......

but back in the 70's you had to be wary almost everywhere you went , even at lower league clubs ... everybody seemed to have a serious 'mob' back then , although some gangs were obviously far bigger than others.

it's hard to believe that the problem still exists , although maybe it's unsuprising , as society on the whole today is probably more violent than it's ever been .....

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