Prostate cancer

Confirmed with 4:4 4:3 results and pelvic lymph node metastases, immediate hormone treatment and await results of bone scan and CT scan tomorrow, bit worried.
Good luck with your scans try not to overthink things as stated there’s various treatments now and some will be offered regarding your circumstances. As Rob said there’s plenty of consultations to have and you’ll be talked through every possible procedure, available. It is a long road ahead plenty of ups and downs but keep focused on the end game in beating this .
I’ve had a radical prostectomy then unfortunately had to have a month of radiotherapy, 18 months later but we don’t give up we keep going you’ll be n good hands , the treatment for prostate cancer is getting extremely advanced now. Best wishes for the future.

Best of luck with this. You need to know what you are dealing with so hopefully it will put you on the right path. And make sure you enjoy your holiday (and have the right level of insurance cover). If the results confirm prostate cancer, I can recommend Admiral Insurance. They have a section on conditions and I have been selecting the "no treatment yet apart from hormone therapy - diagnosed with PC but awaiting treatment".
ive gone with avanti and clicked the no treatment

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