Protests against prorogation of Parliament

I suggest before you post bollocks you do some research - lots of footage on line tonight showing almost no kids in attendance - in fact many looking like grand parents to be honest...dear oh dear oh dear.
the grand parents went to get away from the kids for an hour
There’s no way I could get involved in that. My sides cringe whenever I see public protest chanting or stuff like that.
The clip that I saw on telly this morning had lots of people waving eu flags. Seemed like they were shooting themselves in the foot. Turning a protest against the abuse of power by the government into just another stop brexit protest.
the grand parents went to get away from the kids for an hour
You've got to laugh, when the results of the referendum came in, we had hysteria on here about the old shafting
the young's future's, with death wishes and euthanasia heaped upon them. Then, the calls to give the vote to
anyone old enough to hold a knife and fork, and to lump them in with the 'Kids' who overwhelmingly,
apparently, voted remain.
We now have no kids protesting at the prorogation, it's now apparently a legion of fossils waving placards and screaming.
Fucking brilliant this place.
The clip that I saw on telly this morning had lots of people waving eu flags. Seemed like they were shooting themselves in the foot. Turning a protest against the abuse of power by the government into just another stop brexit protest.

I often find those that engage with protesting are usually the ones that cannot string two reasonable arguments together, when it comes to politics.
The clip that I saw on telly this morning had lots of people waving eu flags. Seemed like they were shooting themselves in the foot. Turning a protest against the abuse of power by the government into just another stop brexit protest.

Rare that you and I agree, but you're right.

The remainer middle class are fucking useless strategically and tactically.

Three years ago they assumed, by osmosis presumably, that we'd be 70% remain, 30% leave by now, the Guardian is tearing its hair out over the great unwashed leavers being so fucking stubborn and stupid.

They can't comprehend why it is they have so few repentant leavers swarming to their cause.
Rare that you and I agree, but you're right.

The remainer middle class are fucking useless strategically and tactically.

Three years ago they assumed, by osmosis presumably, that we'd be 70% remain, 30% leave by now, the Guardian is tearing its hair out over the great unwashed leavers being so fucking stubborn and stupid.

They can't comprehend why it is they have so few repentant leavers swarming to their cause.
Even rarer that you and I agree, but you're right with this.

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