PSG ticket prices - Protest options v West Brom.

The biggest statement that people can make is not buy tickets for the PSG game and don't renew CL scheme next season. See if their gamble of a tourist full stadium pays off. Assuming we are even in the CL next season.
£60 pound in a competition we have zero chance of winning. With a team (product) playing absolutely abysmal. A manager and players that have the motivation and interest of a sloth. Someone somewhere is taking the piss. I won't be there against WBA but if I was I'd walk out Aswell. Good on you lads and lasses.
Ignore the "I'm alright Jack", nodding dog apologists. Don't quote them. Most of us recognise where we're at and that a protest is needed. This was the consensus of all the regulars around me that I spoke to before kick off yesterday also.

And the club having just stuck their fingers up to the support with that statement justifying the pricing should remove all doubt.

Time to mobilise blues. Up to us to ensure the faceless bean counters like Soriano and Glick don't continue taking us for mugs, treating long standing blues with complete and utter contempt. If we do nothing we're making our bed for the future, make no mistake.
Fucking spot on.

People may not like sabotaging the club or leaving just 60 mins into a game. But drastic times call for drastic measures, and to me we are in serious danger of the soul being ripped out of the club.

How did Khaldoon put it, we should all 'take the pinch' for the sake of long term gain?
Fucking spot on.

People may not like sabotaging the club or leaving just 60 mins into a game. But drastic times call for drastic measures, and to me we are in serious danger of the soul being ripped out of the club.

How did Khaldoon put it, we should all 'take the pinch' for the sake of long term gain?

No, that's precisely the point mate. We're not the ones sabotaging the club, Soriano and Glick are: pricing out longterm blues and putting decimal points on the books ahead of the core support which propped this club up for years. The support which was, and is, the very lifeblood of the club.

They are sabotaging that, they're creating schism between the support and the club and a protest would be an effort to redress that, to disrupt their sabotage before it becomes completely endemic and leaves irreversible scars on our support, and City lose precisely what makes this club what it is.

A protest would be an organised effort from blues that live and breathe this club, and want what is best for it, in sharp contrast to faceless bean counters like Soriano and Glick.

There'll come a time in the future where we look back on this period as the time we showed what we can achieve as a fanbase once we all come together for a cause, and halted a regression into the complete gentrification and sanitisation of our match crowd. Or, we'll look back upon it with enormous regret, at an opportunity missed with the club subsequently having become unrecognisable to the one we used to identify with, the harm done irreversible.

It'll be our generation of blues that'll be regarded with complete and utter contempt by future blues if we don't act now. It's our duty to be the custodians of the club when tossers like Soriano and Glick couldn't care less about their responsibilities in what will inevitably be their brief, but very well paid, professional relationship with the club. It'll be us, our friends and family, that have to live with their legacy, good or bad.

It's our duty to ensure they recognise the responsibilities they have as custodians of this great club. And ultimately, that we're the foremost custodians of this club and have to ensure we utilise our influence to the best we can when those entrusted with that responsibility willingly overlook it.

We can do something, and I have faith that we will. We're City, not Soriano and Glick. Never forget that.
No, that's precisely the point mate. We're not the ones sabotaging the club, Soriano and Glick are: pricing out longterm blues and putting decimal points on the books ahead of the core support which propped this club up for years. The support which was, and is, the very lifeblood of the club.

They are sabotaging that, they're creating schism between the support and the club and a protest would be an effort to redress that, to disrupt their sabotage before it becomes completely endemic and leaves irreversible scars on our support, and City lose precisely what makes this club what it is.

A protest would be an organised effort from blues that live and breathe this club, and want what is best for it, in sharp contrast to faceless bean counters like Soriano and Glick.

There'll come a time in the future where we look back on this period as the time we showed what we can achieve as a fanbase once we all come together for a cause, and halted a regression into the complete gentrification and sanitisation of our match crowd. Or, we'll look back upon it with enormous regret, at an opportunity missed with the club subsequently having become unrecognisable to the one we used to identify with, the harm done irreversible.

It'll be our generation of blues that'll be regarded with complete and utter contempt by future blues if we don't act now. It's our duty to be the custodians of the club when tossers like Soriano and Glick couldn't care less about their responsibilities in what will inevitably be their brief, but very well paid, professional relationship with the club. It'll be us, our friends and family, that have to live with their legacy, good or bad.

It's our duty to ensure they recognise the responsibilities they have as custodians of this great club. And ultimately, that we're the foremost custodians of this club and have to ensure we utilise our influence to the best we can when those entrusted with that responsibility willingly overlook it.

We can do something, and I have faith that we will. We're City, not Soriano and Glick. Never forget that.


Please send this out to other City fans across social media, fans forums, supporter branches, etc. City Voice would be a good start.

Let's get this protest organized. We have a few Weeks. Plenty of time.
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No, that's precisely the point mate. We're not the ones sabotaging the club, Soriano and Glick are: pricing out longterm blues and putting decimal points on the books ahead of the core support which propped this club up for years. The support which was, and is, the very lifeblood of the club.

Could not agree more, but some people will still feel that they are betraying the club by trying to embarrass them in front of the cameras. My advice would be to suck it up and do it anyway, as its in the long term interest of Manchester City, and like you say we've been driven to it by the "faceless bean counters" (great phrase).

I might have to bookmark the rest of your post, it's very well put.
I defended this club about the availability of season tickets at reasonable prices but the ticket prices for PSG are indefensible.

As others have said the rewards are minimal to the club but are priced high enough to prevent many true supporters attending the game. It seems they have sat down with there spreadsheet and calculated a lower crowd at higher prices produces better margins than a full house at lower prices and they prefer the higher financial return than a ground full of blues enjoying such an occasion.

It seems a real contrast to the days of Hamburg when the club priced tickets at a fiver as a reward to the fans.

When you consider the money wasted on wages, transfer fees, agent fees bought by these guys a banner stating Soriano - Don't make us pay for your mistakes seems very apt.
Think I will happily stay in the stadium and support my team when they need me. I suppose all those winging about he price of the tickets won't be going the away leg then if you think £50 is expensive

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