PSG vs Istanbul Basaksehir suspended after 4th official accused of racism

The Romanian 4th official said "negru" a lot. He was saying "Send the black one off". Pierre Webu and Demba Ba thought he was saying negro or n***** and got upset.

There was then a bit of a confrontation and Ba asked the referee why he'd refer to him as "the black one", after all he's not the only black person on the bench and he hadn't referred to anyone else as just their skin colour.

IMO the referees could have deescalated this.

So can someone confirm: did this kerfuffle mean that a player that was ear-marked to be red-carded hasn't been? From the turkish side? And was there any hope for Istanbul to qualify (even for Europa) if they got a positive result. If so, could it not be suggested that they have made something out of nothing to maintain a full 11 players for the remainder of the match?
What if the bench was 5 black fellas and one white fella?

I genuinely think people are losing their minds over
Really? Can you explain how as I’m not getting it?

If 4 guys are sat on the bench, 3 are black & 1 is white & somebody asked me to identify one of said chaps, would I be racist saying it was the white guy?

Anyhow, I believe the 4th official has called somebody a ‘negro’ according to reports, which clearly is a racist comment.
Its not a racist term in his language. It means black. Seems the players mistook that for the N word
That's the exact conversation I've been having with friends in the last hour. If it is racist, then I am completely ignorant to it and apologise if I've ever referred to someone by their skin colour. Which i have, many many times.

Systemic racism I think is what they call it? Racism that previously went unnoticed but is now at the forefront of all conversations.
I did it on a stag do last year, was getting a round in and asked someone to pass a pint over to James. The guy passing the pint didn’t know who he was out of 25 lads and I said he’s the black dude, as the rest were white.

James didn’t give a fuck and said thanks for the pint and he received it without us playing a game of guess who.

I don’t think it’s racism mate, context is everything.

However, it’s worth waiting to see the details on this one. I reckon it could be like Cavani here... ie he’s meant nothing by it but the translation is an issue.
So can someone confirm: did this kerfuffle mean that a player that was ear-marked to be red-carded hasn't been? From the turkish side? And was there any hope for Istanbul to qualify (even for Europa) if they got a positive result. If so, could it not be suggested that they have made something out of nothing to maintain a full 11 players for the remainder of the match?
A player can be sent off after the game, so if the game restarts & isn’t replayed, IF the player got sent off, then they should play the remainder of the game with 10 men. And no chance of Europa League btw
Rio calling out Millwall but ignoring Cavani using the N word this week.

I'm shocked.

I fear this official will be sacked and Cavani will be banned for a handful of games.
Which one of these haridans blinded you with her stiletto, the blonde one mlud, how dare you, take him down!
Seems he used the Romanian word for black which is "negru" The players and officials interpreted that as using the "N" word which is a lot different.
Yeah, seems a miscommunication issue rather than a racism issue
Even if that is the case, given recent events and the current climate, I think there is a very strong argument for the official still being unconscionably stupid (and/or ignorant) and probably deserves to be removed from duties as he is not capable of meeting the necessary standard for his role.

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