Puts on tin hat as its time for a whinge

When we bought the league, we should have insisted that all games finish on 85 minutes. That way all fans could stay to the end. Plus baconface would be happy.
No fan would leave early if they didn't have a reason to, no matter how big or small the reason is it obviously bears significance to them so why can't people leave them be?
mcfc-mark said:
No fan would leave early if they didn't have a reason to, no matter how big or small the reason is it obviously bears significance to them so why can't people leave them be?

People have the right to leave whenever they want to leave. I've always felt that I should stay to the end to show my appreciation for the team, but if others don't feel the same then that's their choice. It's my humble opinion that if the team has given it's all and produced an excellent result then it's a bit disrespectful for them to leave the field to an half empty stadium. Again, just my opinion.
Blue2112 said:
Haven't seen this topic posted tonight so here goes for the ongoing early leavers.

Champions of England
Only unbeaten team left in the English leagues
Best defensive record in the premiership
Best goal difference in the premiership
Winning 5-0 at home to go top of the table

And the stadium is half fucking empty at the final whistle.

3 minutes injury time announced and 10,000 people stand up on fucking cue!

Don't give a fuck if people say stop moaning or its everyones right to leave if they want to but as far as i'm concerned unless you have a genuine reason (and I accept that people do) then how fucking good would it be to see a near full stadium stand as one and applaud the Champions off the pitch. There is no fucking way on gods green earth 10,000 plus fans have to leave for work, pick the kids up, beat the traffic or whatever.

Never mind 'where were you when we was shit' its more a case of 'where are you now were fucking great'

Whinge whinge fucking whinge blah blah blah but it looks fucking shit.

I left on 89 mins yesterday had to catch 5-23 train back to marple and get home for nephews birthday take him his city present.. Understand the the thread but sometimes have to leave early doesnt make you any less a fan tbh...
Personally I very rarely leave early but with the awful parking system at city if you don't go 5 mins before the end you can end up waiting ages in the traffic as the police always shut the roads at the end of the game. Until the club soughts it out I cant see it changing, all the club has to do is build a bridge over the road.
mcfc-mark said:
No fan would leave early if they didn't have a reason to, no matter how big or small the reason is it obviously bears significance to them so why can't people leave them be?

I think you should look up the word "supporter".
Most of the time people leave out of habit. I can see them keep looking at the scoreboard checking the time. A bloke near me, with his kid leaves on 84 mins every game, even when we had 12 mins extra recently. Madness. Unless you have a train to catch or genuine reason stay for fks sake and applaud the team. Support the players in the last few mins , they need it more when they are bolloxed. Its a free country and all that but leaving just to get home or pub a few mins earlier, is it worth it?
Didsbury Dave said:
I don't give a flying fuck if some uber fan on the Internet is somehow embarrassed. I stay until the end 9 times out of 10 and wouldn't dream of leaving a game in the balance. But yesterday I left on 85 minutes because I wanted to get home early. The game was finished, the subs had taken the tempo out of it. I wanted to be back in my nice warm house as I'd been out since 9am.

As the Americans like to say; deal with it.

And if everyone else did as you do...?
Seems there are more weak bladders, kids needing to get presents, relatives arriving from Dorset for the weekend, Christmas parties to get ready for and other lame ass excuses than for any other club in Christendom. Piss off at half time if you want to avoid the traffic queues and you've got other more important things to do.

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