Queen Elizabeth II

As part of my job I deal and work with a lot of people who you’d describe as being very left wing. I’d describe my own politics as being liberal and modern, too. I had an EU flag flying from my living room window in 2016!

But over the last few days I’ve seen some awful, cruel things being said on social media and around my workplace. Really inappropriate nasty stuff. And those on the left are supposed to be the nice, tolerant ones?

It’s all quite upsetting and overwhelming to be honest. The last time I saw such horrible things on social media was during brexit.

I’m not even a flag waving royalist. I just think people should have a bit of respect and understanding.

It’s like unless you’re a Corbyn supporting “hang them all!” socialist your opinions and feelings aren’t valid, and you’re somehow fair game to be subjected to piss taking and bullying.

I’m trying not to engage but it’s very hard. These people live in a radical left wing bubble and lots of them don’t understand that there’s a whole world and spectrum of valid opinions beyond their own.

I don’t even want to go into work today it’s that poisonous.
I stopped believing that a long time ago. The left are every bit as bad as the right.

I find people with great interest in politics who are towards either end of the spectrum to be very bitter and nasty individuals with nothing good to say about anyone if don’t fall exactly on the same political point as them.
This Trevor Sinclair thing is really awful, I really like, or should I say did like Trevor -I’m massively, disappointed in him.
Playing the ‘race card’ like he most certainly did, I’m astonished! - I’m no royalist, but, give some respect man for the queen whether you liked her or not, I know for a FACT I’ve seen him singing the national anthem in an England shirt, thats for sure!
He needs a history lesson - I expect abuse from some low lives - man up, show some respect.
We need to be one people, I don’t want him cancelled like the woke warriors that cancel everyone else, but he’s scored some own goal here.
Fucking respect my arse.
Obviously 24 media coverage with hours devoted on radio & TV to members of the public with their tales of encounters with the Queen. I think I am the only person in England who has never, seen (live), spoke to, been waved at, or been smiled at by ANY member of the Royal Family.
My daughter has though, she was at a ceremony at Westmintser Abbey where was shoved aside by a security guard for Prince Charles.
I don't know how old you are but I wouldn't rule out a republic in your lifetime.

The biggest factor in that is not the Royal Family, it will be the misdeeds of prime ministers exposing the need for a head of state who can intervene in political matters.

Abolishing the Royal Family will never be about removing them from their palaces or titles, it'll be about removing the "ceremonial" roles of being head of state (like controlling the PM and filling the house of lords) that many pro-monarchists claim are just symbolic anyway.
There is some irony here. In 1975, the Governor General of Australia, Sir John Kerr, removed the Aussie PM, Gough Whitlam and installed the leader of the opposition in his place. Now the GG was the Queens rep (indeed he was
In Loco Regina) in Australia and used the Royal Prerogative to accomplish the deed. So the Queen could sack the Aussie PM but not our own. Just one bit of bonkers surrounding the sovereign acting as head of state.
It costs nothing to be respectful when someone dies, and the Queen served this country to the end and deserves thanks for that. How would you feel if a member of your family passed away then your next door neighbour runs out with a bottle of bubbly dancing, singing, laughing at your loss. I know what I would do, some people are just not nice people and you can’t account for these types.
Anybody else see the prick running alongside the Kings car on his way to the Airbase for his flight to Edinburgh? he got directly in front of it so it to slow down while he took a photo on his mobile,it could have been a gun would imagine there will be a review of security
It costs nothing to be respectful when someone dies, and the Queen served this country to the end and deserves thanks for that. How would you feel if a member of your family passed away then your next door neighbour runs out with a bottle of bubbly dancing, singing, laughing at your loss. I know what I would do, some people are just not nice people and you can’t account for these types.
Who has been disrespectful?

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