Queen Elizabeth II

As part of my job I deal and work with a lot of people who you’d describe as being very left wing. I’d describe my own politics as being liberal and modern, too. I had an EU flag flying from my living room window in 2016!

But over the last few days I’ve seen some awful, cruel things being said on social media and around my workplace. Really inappropriate nasty stuff. And those on the left are supposed to be the nice, tolerant ones?

It’s all quite upsetting and overwhelming to be honest. The last time I saw such horrible things on social media was during brexit.

I’m not even a flag waving royalist. I just think people should have a bit of respect and understanding.

It’s like unless you’re a Corbyn supporting “hang them all!” socialist your opinions and feelings aren’t valid, and you’re somehow fair game to be subjected to piss taking and bullying.

I’m trying not to engage but it’s very hard. These people live in a radical left wing bubble and lots of them don’t understand that there’s a whole world and spectrum of valid opinions beyond their own.

I don’t even want to go into work today it’s that poisonous.
Don’t let it affect you it’s mainly people with nothing else to do only try to drag others down with them. They mainly agitate for something the rest of us are quite happy to take or leave. One word answers are usually the way to deal with them then move on.
Twitter and YouTube are the worst for trolls who delight in pulling you into there warped sense of right or wrong. It’s toxic out there
It isn't a none event its history in the making. Just as Alfred the Great, Henry they eighth, Victoria, Elizabeth etc, these people's lives and deaths will be studied by future generations.

You might think it's stupid but these kings and queens shaped our very existence going back hundreds and hundreds of years, What we do today, how we live , our traditions ? They pay tribute to everyone who has made sacrifices for king, queen and country in battle or personally lost loved ones in wars because they believed in this country and what it stood for. For the king's, who fought or died in battle, for their decisions that moulded our society and kept us safe. We are quite lucky today that those sacrifices paid for the freedoms we enjoy today.

Of course they weren't all the best of monarchs and some were shitty but we are who we are because of the parts they played. We have great history, a dark history and many stories to tell but if you can't even cope with 1 postponed football match to celebrate 93 years of someone's magnificent life packed into 10 measly days then there really is nothing I can say to you.

Cool. None of that has anything to do with my main point was that the country isn't in mourning.
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Doesn't matter if you're a King or a plumber from a council estate on Stalybridge.

Seeing who gave you life and the first person you ever loved, dead, in a box, is one of the most soul destroying things I think you can ever experience. Brings back awful memories, feel for him.
If they were there to show respect they wouldn’t all have their phones out filming to stick on twitter or Facebook to say I was there.it’s all bollocks
This is another central problem. The people screaming disrespect have a different bar height of what disrespect is.

For some, not wearing all black in the period of mourning will be disrespectful, whereas other think that any mention of the monarchy that isn’t positive is disrespectful to them.

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