Queen Elizabeth II

What I will say is that people who take out your bins, build the roads, teach your kids, etc... do a much more profound "service" to our country than all the royals put together, in the face of much less reward and material celebration. I'm not saying you can't appreciate her work, but bear that in mind over the coming months.

It's going to be important.
Wishing her peace and comfort, a full recovery if possible or if not, which seems more likely, dignity surrounded by those she loves.

I lost my grandad last year in his late 80s. Obviously when somebody goes in old age, after a full and eventful life, there's a certain feeling that this is the nature of things, and that it's better that they pass when their mind is still active and they've been able to take part in life right up to the end, rather than the slow decay of some cruel disease (and if you have watched them suffer, there's often an element of mercy and relief at the end).

But when it's someone you love it's still hard to let them go. When my grandad passed it still felt too soon.

I'm fairly indifferent on the whole idea of the royal family. No doubt the Queen has had wealth and privileges beyond what we can imagine. But she's also spent decades serving the country, and right now she's an elderly lady in poor health and I think we can put aside the politics for just a moment.

Exactly - there are certain times where being kind is the only rational choice
This is a fundamental lack of understanding of how other countries work.

The last 6 years has shown the concept of a Royal Head of State to be completely unfit for purpose. In a normal country with a prime minister and president/chancellor/other elected head of state there is a check on the power of the PM. There is a counterbalance, another voice, someone who takes a long term view of running the country vs. the short term government just looking at the next election. Part of the reason we are in the mess we are in is because Britains head of state has been MIA while Johnson and co. burned everything to the ground.

Now that's not Elizabeth Windsor's fault, but that anyone could think the country has been well served by having a head of state that abstains from running the state is tragic really.
You really do talk a load of shite don’t you.
Out of interest, was she putting public duty infront of herself and her family when she paid £10m to stop her son's rape of a teenage girl go to a public trial?

This is the kind if inane deification a lot of people can't stand. She wasn't some saintly presence looking out for the country above all else. She was a Queen who did plenty of useful things over 70 years, you don't have to add all the extra nonsense about how she put everyone else ahead of herself.
See my response to @twosips
Your post is a little unnecessary and pretty crass given the circumstances.
Ultimately there's very little to be sad about a 97 year old dying.

She has lived a life most people could only dream of, seen her children grow old, seen her grandchildren have children. We all have to go someday and 99.9% of people go earlier and in a worse way.

Yes, I'm sure her close family will mourn her greatly, just like everyone does at the death of a mother or grandmother, but I'm going to find it very hard to empathise with the hordes of wailing strangers lining the Mall for weeks.
She hasnt lived a life most could dream of. I wouldnt swap my life for her for anything. Shes actually given her normal life up for the country, Whether you agree with the system or not its not a life id want . Constant spot light and opening hospitals ? Nah
Her state funeral will be magnificent. Nobody does ceremony better than us.

It will also help to bring us together in a time where we’re permanently divided.
They said that about the births of Bill and Kates kids. I remember it saying it will give the country a boost.

I wasn’t boosted.

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