Queen Elizabeth II

She has been the Queen all of my life, it's going to feel strange her not being the Queen.

I remember her coming to Moss Side in her jubilee year in 77. I was only three but remember sitting on my dad's shoulders and her and Prince Phillip going past in an open top motor down Princess Parkway.
I was almost 11 yrs old when her father died and just turned 11 at her Coronation so I do vaguely remember a time when I sang God save the King.
It is the strangest feeling. A great sadness thinking about what seems to be becoming inevitable along with the hope that she is not suffering and that the members of her family who are speeding to her bedside get there in time to say goodbye to their beloved Mother and Grandmother.
God bless you, your Majesty. God Save the Queen.
Without being too clinical, you can rest assured that she won't be suffering. She has the best medical care the world can provide. Let's hope she had a coherent, peaceful, loving death with her family there. Talk about a life well lived..!
Correct. Whether you are a Monarchist or Republican, you have to agree that she has been a true servant to the UK and fantastic head of state.

As a Head of State, she has been excellent, especially when you consider we could have elected any number of knobheads in the absence of a monarchy.

Equally, I don‘t see the institution lasting much beyond Liz II. Which on balance will be a shame.
I remember her coming to Moss Side in her jubilee year in 77. I was only three but remember sitting on my dad's shoulders and her and Prince Phillip going past in an open top motor down Princess Parkway.

I was an adult at the time but can remember my mam making me put bunting up for the street party. loads and loads of bunting balancing precariously on lamp posts.
It will be sad for her and her family of course, and I suppose it will be sad for many of the population but I will object to be being told that I should mourn the passing of someone who has had no effect on my life whatsoever. Felt exactly the same with Diana and any celebrity who has died. I just don't get it.
I’m Irish mate. I wouldn’t call myself staunchly anything tbh when it comes to politics.
I don’t really understand royalty in this day and age…..
But mate, she is your head of state and has been for 70 years.

I would put on hold any personal criticisms of the system of royalty and peerage etc. for another day.

As your head of state she was well respected throughout the world including, dare I say it, here in Ireland, where she was very well received when she made her official visit a number of years back.

There will be a lot of pomp and ceremony when she sadly does pass. It’s what you Brits do. There will be huge expense too I’m sure, for those that want to gripe further, but really….
This is an end of an era and the future of Britain and the system of monarchy will likely never be the same again.

Her passing will be felt throughout the world, no matter what your politics are.
My view on the Royals generally is that they're all in gilded cages, which is going to lead to a wide range of outcomes for Royal individuals, nearly none of them normal for a human. The Queen has handled that a ton better than most have.

Anyhow, the Royals are a curious sidelight in America and I think there will be a surprising outpouring of affection for the Queen over here. Sometimes it's almost as if she's our monarch too still. As someone who loves the UK and has an interest in history, I feel the same as many of you -- she's the only monarch I've known, and as such her eventual passing will make me a bit sadder for it. But I can also understand those who see the monarchy as the relic of a bygone era and an enormous drain of financial and emotional resources for regular folks.
There will be 12 days of mourning. What happens in those 12 days(football, work closing ect) will be decided by the government and royal family

this is a very good shout football and sports will shut down and mourning will be about 2 weeks,this could have a very big impact on football and European football even the world cup, 2 weeks of mourning would be 4 games off and need rearranging

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