Question Time

It will start off well, flood money into an absolutely failing NHS that desperately needs restructuring on a par with Europe. Tinker with pet things, a bit of money here and there and then realise it can’t be done. Rejoin the EU and let them do all the work while they tick boxes. Stagnation. No ideas. Can anybody see this lot sorting the country out?
Start off well
Money into a failing NHS
Rejoin EU
Well thats 3 things that make them a better answer than the tories and improve the country..
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Rejoin the EU?
Yeah that’s a bit laughable - in the sense that anyone who believes any party will do that.
Various parties and people (like myself) would like to do that , but it’s not going to be allowed (from uk or eu side) or happen in my lifetime, nor my (not so) kids.
One thing I will say is that those that are getting older, and more infirm, will be calling on the rest of the country to look after them. That’s once the Tories have taken all your funds to support it, even though they cannot deliver a decent service.

Their bullshit £87 grand could have been passed long ago, they chose to take your money just as you needed it.
After the last 14 years

The NHS is not fit for purpose
Children cannot get dentists appointments.
Our justice system is broken.
The prisons are so full that the courts cannot send anyone there anyway.
Our civil service is massively overworked to the point that they cannot process the work, including immigration and asylum applications, that it receives.
Our military is rapidly losing capacity.
We do not have enough police, firefighters, teachers, nurses or doctors.
Our rivers and beaches are full of shit.
There is a border between one part of the UK and the rest

The government absolutely trashed the economy, with dire consequences for homeowners and rent payers alike.

And it is a government that lies with impunity and thinks the rules don’t apply to them. That is why the Queen was lied to about the prorogation of Parliament, why Boris Johnson lied to Parliament, why parties were held during lockdown at number 10 and why in one last show of their rotten underbelly, the latest bunch of insider traders were using confidential knowledge to bet on the date of the election.

And you want more of the same. Because of?

Yep, project fear.

They genuinely don’t care.

“Boris” could have abducted a child and they’d tell you the child had it coming or that Labour might abduct even more children so we should stick with what we have.
Start off well
Money into a failing NHS
Rejoin EU
Well thats 3 things that make them a better answer than the tories and improve the country..
NHS needs restructuring, it’s not working, Labour will throw money at it, it doesn’t work. We need change big time but Labour won’t do it. This is my opinion and I am entitled to it, just like you.
You do realise the NHS is failing because of 14 years of shite Tory government? It got its highest ever approval rating towards the end of Labour’s last run.

Also, how can you dare say ‘can anyone see this lot sorting the country out?’ after the tories just delivered the worst run of government in history?

Are you genuinely that thick or just a complete boot licker?
I think your post reveals a lot btw. This country needs genuine change, not two and fro governing which we will get once more. The NHS needs restructuring, it doesn’t work.

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