Question Time

Start off well
Money into a failing NHS
Rejoin EU
Well thats 3 things that make them a better answer than the tories and improve the country..
Are any of these things in the Labour manifesto?

They're not putting more money into the NHS and they definitely aren't going to rejoin the EU.
Are any of these things in the Labour manifesto?

They're not putting more money into the NHS and they definitely aren't going to rejoin the EU.
No they aren't but they were in the post I replied to as a criticism of what Labour would do,and a reasons not to vote for them. Just saying they aren't bad things to happen.
Start off well
Money into a failing NHS
Rejoin EU
Well thats 3 things that make them a better answer than the tories and improve the country..
My missus works in the NHS and has done for 50 years, any extra money will just go into creating more managers and more woke bollocks, the main thing that needs sorting is getting Trainee nurses back on the wards not in a Classroom for most of their training which puts them in debt having to get a Degree, and i know Thatcher introduced that
My missus works in the NHS and has done for 50 years, any extra money will just go into creating more managers and more woke bollocks, the main thing that needs sorting is getting Trainee nurses back on the wards not in a Classroom for most of their training which puts them in debt having to get a Degree, and i know Thatcher introduced that
Of course it needs to be spent well,of course we need more staff on the ward, first step needs be increases in social care provision, and increase GPs to get people out of hospitals. Doesn’t change the fact the money needs to be put into it to achieve all that.
That said far too much being made of my post without looking at the one it was replying to, for it’s context.
My missus works in the NHS and has done for 50 years, any extra money will just go into creating more managers and more woke bollocks, the main thing that needs sorting is getting Trainee nurses back on the wards not in a Classroom for most of their training which puts them in debt having to get a Degree, and i know Thatcher introduced that
Not withstanding Mr Blairs PFI.... put the NHS on a slippery slope.
After the last 14 years

The NHS is not fit for purpose
Children cannot get dentists appointments.
Our justice system is broken.
The prisons are so full that the courts cannot send anyone there anyway.
Our civil service is massively overworked to the point that they cannot process the work, including immigration and asylum applications, that it receives.
Our military is rapidly losing capacity.
We do not have enough police, firefighters, teachers, nurses or doctors.
Our rivers and beaches are full of shit.
There is a border between one part of the UK and the rest

The government absolutely trashed the economy, with dire consequences for homeowners and rent payers alike.

And it is a government that lies with impunity and thinks the rules don’t apply to them. That is why the Queen was lied to about the prorogation of Parliament, why Boris Johnson lied to Parliament, why parties were held during lockdown at number 10 and why in one last show of their rotten underbelly, the latest bunch of insider traders were using confidential knowledge to bet on the date of the election.

And you want more of the same. Because of?

Yep, project fear.
It absolutely beggars belief that Scotland isn not 80% for independence after that list and more. But there you are.
Still 50/50. I wonder what it will take?

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