Question Time

Just look at their past history, it will happen or they will move the age you can apply for it to when your 60, how are they going to pay for all the stuff they are promising, remember the note they left at the Treasury "there is no money left"
That note was a standing joke between politicians that has quite a long history.

On this occasion, the Tories chose to weaponise it and they were incredibly successful as people still bring it up.

Your common sense should tell you that the note was not literally true.
That note was a standing joke between politicians that has quite a long history.

On this occasion, the Tories chose to weaponise it and they were incredibly successful as people still bring it up.

Your common sense should tell you that the note was not literally true.
Because it doesn't suit you?
After the last 14 years

The NHS is not fit for purpose
Children cannot get dentists appointments.
Our justice system is broken.
The prisons are so full that the courts cannot send anyone there anyway.
Our civil service is massively overworked to the point that they cannot process the work, including immigration and asylum applications, that it receives.
Our military is rapidly losing capacity.
We do not have enough police, firefighters, teachers, nurses or doctors.
Our rivers and beaches are full of shit.
There is a border between one part of the UK and the rest

The government absolutely trashed the economy, with dire consequences for homeowners and rent payers alike.

And it is a government that lies with impunity and thinks the rules don’t apply to them. That is why the Queen was lied to about the prorogation of Parliament, why Boris Johnson lied to Parliament, why parties were held during lockdown at number 10 and why in one last show of their rotten underbelly, the latest bunch of insider traders were using confidential knowledge to bet on the date of the election.

And you want more of the same. Because of?

Yep, project fear.

The Tory apologists won’t address any of these issues but simply trot out more lies, like their heroes, about what that nasty Kier Starmer will do if he gets elected.

You really can’t argue with stupid.
Because it doesn't suit you?
I don't get your point.

The note, as I said, was a standing joke between politicians going back years. It was not serious. You understand the concept of workplace jokes, yeah?

A government with a fiat currency can never, ever run out of money. You don't think they keep government money in a sort of big piggy bank do you? Medieval kings did, in a way. They had a finite money supply. But we are long past that. The government can print paper money (or create it electronically) to an infinite degree. (There are consequences for going too far, but that's not what we're talking about.)

So, an office joke was weaponised and many people took it seriously, and still do!

Meanwhile, the government debt is vastly higher than it was when Labour left office. And to head off objections at the pass, it was before Covid and Ukraine though these things and Brexit have made it worse.

Whether it 'suits' me or not is irrelevant. These are provable facts.
Like in 1997?

Economy recovering strongly and the public finances in rude health?
Not thanks to the ERM debacle in 1992. However being in the European Single Market after it was established in 1993 undoubtedly helped.
Shame we left it in 2021 which maybe not so coincidentally has seen the UK economy perform even worse than it was doing for the previous 10 years.

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