Rag delusion.

Vic said:
eastlands oasis said:
Biggest delusion of all "we easily sell out every home game, and you can't get a ticket anywhere". One of my drivers who is a rag told me this morning he rang their ticket office yesterday to see if there were any tickets left for Monday night(first home game of the season against a strong Spurs team) to be told " yes we have sir, there are thousands of tickets left" I hope there are swathes of empty red seats all over so we can shove it back down their throats trying to take the piss out of us for still have a couple of hundred left Monday!
We sold out. Empty seats for seasoncard holders not there.

there was empty seats in the Swansea end(nothing we cn do about that of course) but near me in the lower tier family stand there were a few odd seats empty,dont think they would be season ticket holders as theywere single seats, all told though, it was a great turnout for a monday night,and Swansea brought a big amount considering the distance they would have travelled
Fucking hell where to start...

One of my mates says we have 20,000 empty every week, so i tell him that our lowest average attendence in COMS was 39,000 in the 06/07 season then explained that theres only 45,000 seats for home fans, he replies 'bitter blue bastard your in our shadow'

The same one later on then said 'all your fans are from Stockport' i then explain how i live round the corner from him so i'm obviously not, he doesnt know any City fan who lives in Stockport and then how majority of OT is full of tourist and there hard core fans come from Salford, he shuts up.

My favourite is when some lad i didnt know much tried to call me a shit fan like all the rest of us, so i shown him my season ticket and asked where is his, he just gave me a dirty look. I also reminded him that in that season (09/10) i'd been OT more times than him.
they think having thousands upon thousands of plastic fans to shove in there theatre of dreams (i mean come on, they are that arrogant they have acctually nicknamed the stadium that.) is an insult to throw at us.

my mates gf works in the bar-concourse bit and has acctually comfirmed the magority of fans are not even english, full of foreigners.

i pressume that alot of the fans that go to each game are all different.
its probably there first game, then next week there will be another load that see there first game.
MCFCDroylsdenBlue said:
Fucking hell where to start...

One of my mates says we have 20,000 empty every week, so i tell him that our lowest average attendence in COMS was 39,000 in the 06/07 season then explained that theres only 45,000 seats for home fans, he replies 'bitter blue bastard your in our shadow'

The same one later on then said 'all your fans are from Stockport' i then explain how i live round the corner from him so i'm obviously not, he doesnt know any City fan who lives in Stockport and then how majority of OT is full of tourist and there hard core fans come from Salford, he shuts up.

My favourite is when some lad i didnt know much tried to call me a shit fan like all the rest of us, so i shown him my season ticket and asked where is his, he just gave me a dirty look. I also reminded him that in that season (09/10) i'd been OT more times than him.

my response to this was (i`d rather have empty seat every week than filling them with slanty fucking eyed tourists)
Oh yeah, my latest i forgot to put on was bad, it wasn't to do with City but it will still make you think WTF!...

My mate actually generally thinks that Rooney is better than Alan Shearer and Dennis Bergkamp :|
firstly i haven t got one rag mate so my life is good!

the lads you people talk about on this thread clearly don t go to football or have a real interest!
i would imagine many are office junior types who want to be popular so they choose manure,probably going to 1 home game every two years!
always don a yoonited top circa 2001 and head to the pub to watch yoonited "with their mates" run home at speed after they lose because they re not sure how to react

when s the last time the trainee vicar had a s/t???

talksport runs an advert every half hr selling s/t s at yoonited........best supported team in the world???

i don t know 1 s/t holder at yoonited-fact!!
r.soleofsalford said:
MCFCDroylsdenBlue said:
Fucking hell where to start...

One of my mates says we have 20,000 empty every week, so i tell him that our lowest average attendence in COMS was 39,000 in the 06/07 season then explained that theres only 45,000 seats for home fans, he replies 'bitter blue bastard your in our shadow'

The same one later on then said 'all your fans are from Stockport' i then explain how i live round the corner from him so i'm obviously not, he doesnt know any City fan who lives in Stockport and then how majority of OT is full of tourist and there hard core fans come from Salford, he shuts up.

My favourite is when some lad i didnt know much tried to call me a shit fan like all the rest of us, so i shown him my season ticket and asked where is his, he just gave me a dirty look. I also reminded him that in that season (09/10) i'd been OT more times than him.

my response to this was (i`d rather have empty seat every week than filling them with slanty fucking eyed tourists)

Most times (depending who is it cause i actually know a few reds who go week in week out :O) i just say i'm at my empty stadium every game, you watch your full stadium at home or in the pub.
they think having thousands upon thousands of plastic fans to shove in there theatre of dreams (i mean come on, they are that arrogant they have acctually nicknamed the stadium that.) is an insult to throw at us.

my mates gf works in the bar-concourse bit and has acctually comfirmed the magority of fans are not even english, full of foreigners.

i pressume that alot of the fans that go to each game are all different.
its probably there first game, then next week there will be another load that see there first game.

I need to be careful about my wording here, but there are an awful lot of City fans this side of the Irish sea as well (though most of us seem to be at least 40+, or joined the Blue side when it seemed half of the Northern ireland side were or had been Blue, or wore disco pants), but a few tour operators thought they could "tap into" this with "organised trips to games," that failed because we go to games as already organised clubs, source our tickets directly through the club and feel no need to be fleeced ay anyone, nevermind some "ticket co-orinator or travel company" like the vermin.
We are much smaller in numbers than them, but we are far more loyal to our club than they will ever be.
Michael Corleone said:
I was talking to my mate yesterday who's a rag when I mentioned how Micah Richards was proving himself a lot lately. Then he replies that he thinks Micah Richards is absolutely gash. He then went on to say how Johnny Evans, Johnny fucking Evans is better than Micah Richards and apparently according to him, so is Chris Smalling.

I went on to tell him that Micah Richards plays right back in one of the best defences in the country and Johnny Evans is barely starting for Nothern Ireland. Then he says "Not one of your defenders would start for United", and "A fully fit Ferdinand is far better than Kompany". Then when I told him, we had the least conceded goals last year, joint with Chelsea. He goes into a rant about thats because Mancini is so negative!

It just got me thinking, Is there a general delusion that the rags hold. All other supporters can generally agree on some dead cert facts. But it is the air of superiority they think they deserve.

Anyway, I can't wait to we fuck them over in the league and champions league.
Anyone else heard any equally ridiculus statements from them lately.

Micah lost his way for a couple of years, bulked up and went backwards. Under Mancini he has found his form and pace again. He needs to kick on now and keep progressing. He is a natural athlete and will get better playing with top players. Touch of Josef Fritzel though.
Not being from Manchester I can't comment on your rags. But down here (South Wales and SW England) it is fairly widely accepted to disclude rags from discussions on football. On the basis that if they knew anything about football they wouldn't be rags. How many UTD fans do you know who watch a lot of football?

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