Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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You guys are really defensive. It was a question about youth development at your club and Pellegrini, and some of you have reacted like its the most insane question youve ever heard.

If your saying City doesnt have that problem, at all, definitely not, then I think youre turning a blind eye to it.

Heres another way of looking at it. At ages 20-23 , still immature , he would probably be better off under Rodgers and Wenger. When hes developed as a player, thats the time to be playing at City.

David Silva aged 20 moving to City would not have been as right as Silva aged 24 moving City.

Fundamentally disagree.

You're assuming Pellegrini isn't as good at mentoring younger players as Wenger and Rodgers, however neither you nor I have the knowledge of how any of those 3 managers works to accurately determine this point. All will have successes, and failures, when it comes to nurturing youth, some will have had more opportunities than others to do so. Wenger has been at Arsenal since the 1990's, so his chances of aiding younger players to break through, have been far greater than many. Rodgers, I believe, is being given a huge amount of credit by yourself for his "work with youth", I can't say there's a huge number of players, spread out over many years, that he's able to demonstrate he's assisted greatly.

Sterling uses his pace a great deal, with players who rely on pace for a decent amount of their productivity, you need to get them in sooner rather than later. Pace is one of the first things to go, so waiting until a player is 24/25 before you sign him, means you're losing some of their best years. Look at Michael Own for example. Left Liverpool as a 25 year old, and his career steadily declined from there on out. He was out of the England setup before he was 30, and warming the benches of Old Trafford and Stoke from age 30 onwards. Why? Because his legs had gone, he no longer had the pace to run away from players, and that nullified his game. Shaun Wright-Phillips is another prime example, returned to City aged 27, yet was never the same player as when he left. Last capped for England aged 29, hasn't been a regular at club level since he was 30. Why? Again, his legs ave gone, and so has his usefulness.
Fundamentally disagree.

You're assuming Pellegrini isn't as good at mentoring younger players as Wenger and Rodgers, however neither you nor I have the knowledge of how any of those 3 managers works to accurately determine this point. All will have successes, and failures, when it comes to nurturing youth, some will have had more opportunities than others to do so. Wenger has been at Arsenal since the 1990's, so his chances of aiding younger players to break through, have been far greater than many. Rodgers, I believe, is being given a huge amount of credit by yourself for his "work with youth", I can't say there's a huge number of players, spread out over many years, that he's able to demonstrate he's assisted greatly.

Sterling uses his pace a great deal, with players who rely on pace for a decent amount of their productivity, you need to get them in sooner rather than later. Pace is one of the first things to go, so waiting until a player is 24/25 before you sign him, means you're losing some of their best years. Look at Michael Own for example. Left Liverpool as a 25 year old, and his career steadily declined from there on out. He was out of the England setup before he was 30, and warming the benches of Old Trafford and Stoke from age 30 onwards. Why? Because his legs had gone, he no longer had the pace to run away from players, and that nullified his game. Shaun Wright-Phillips is another prime example, returned to City aged 27, yet was never the same player as when he left. Last capped for England aged 29, hasn't been a regular at club level since he was 30. Why? Again, his legs ave gone, and so has his usefulness.

I think Isco and Cazorla might have something to say about the idea that Pellegrini can't develop young players.

Funny seeing scousers still bending over backwards to try and find the negatives in this deal. Well the stupid ones anyway. The smart ones are turning their eyes to FSG and asking why they are selling their best players, and more importantly why their best players are so desperate to get the fuck out of dodge.
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