Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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No, for once I'm bring serious.

There are people who've provided an explanation as to why they think the club have delayed announcing deals. However far fetched that is, it's a theory that they've arrived at based on gut feeling, instinct and possibly some information (however reliable, or otherwise) in their possession. Everyone does that, myself included.

There's a world of difference between that, however, and making demands of the club (as you are) in order to satisfy your own neuroses. There are things in this world you can control and things you cannot. This is something you seem unable to appreciate. The club will have its reasons for the way it conducts itself and revealing a signing or signings, in June, in order to assuage the anxiousness of some of our support, won't (and shouldn't) enter into their thoughts. For a single second. That you think it should displays a complete lack of perspective.
Im not sure the point you are getting at here. My whole stance on this is not that I think the club is keeping the deal from us as I believe that is bollocks. My perceived anxiousness has nothing to do with wanting a signing to be announced its more confusion as to why we are dragging our heels.

Every post I have made today is in response to the belief of some that a deal is done and I've been questioning that logic.

It seems questioning why we are taking nearly 2 weeks to increase our bid to/around the magical £50 million is making demands on the club or constitutes being a 'flapper'.
Im not sure the point you are getting at here. My whole stance on this is not that I think the club is keeping the deal from us as I believe that is bollocks. My perceived anxiousness has nothing to do with wanting a signing to be announced its more confusion as to why we are dragging our heels.

Every post I have made today is in response to the belief of some that a deal is done and I've been questioning that logic.

It seems questioning why we are taking nearly 2 weeks to increase our bid to/around the magical £50 million is making demands on the club or constitutes being a 'flapper'.

We've got irons in lots of fires at the moment haven't we mate.

Pogba, De Bruyne, Sterling, and quite a few others if the media are correct.

What do you believe would have been the purpose of flying in with a £50m bid for Sterling last week?
We've got irons in lots of fires at the moment haven't we mate.

Pogba, De Bruyne, Sterling, and quite a few others if the media are correct.

What do you believe would have been the purpose of flying in with a £50m bid for Sterling last week?
My attitude is that if a deal is there to be made then get it signed and we can concentrate on other deals. The other side of the coin is why wait 2 weeks to make a bid? We all know that we are going to have to bid as near as £50m as we can. (It was reported 2 weeks ago that Liverpool were willing to accept £40m up front plus add ons) so what are we waiting for exactly.

Surely rather than having 7-8 ongoing deals its more beneficial to have 5-6 ongoing deals and a couple completed. The idea of letting a deal drag on for the sake of it seems bizarre.
Im not sure the point you are getting at here. My whole stance on this is not that I think the club is keeping the deal from us as I believe that is bollocks. My perceived anxiousness has nothing to do with wanting a signing to be announced its more confusion as to why we are dragging our heels.

Every post I have made today is in response to the belief of some that a deal is done and I've been questioning that logic.

It seems questioning why we are taking nearly 2 weeks to increase our bid to/around the magical £50 million is making demands on the club or constitutes being a 'flapper'.
The point I am getting at is that you are getting neurotic about something that is out of your control, completely disproportionate ( given its still fucking June) and is based entirely on speculation. That's one thing, but to expect to club to pander to that is preposterous.

Would I like the deal announced now? Yes.

Is there any control I have over that? No.
Do I expect the club to factor in mine or any other individual supporters feelings on that? No.
Is it possible the club aren't 'dragging their heels', but rather taking things at their own pace? Absolutely.
Does it matter to me when this deal is announced? Not really.
Will my life come to a miserable end if we don't sign him at all? No.

I'm sure you'd enjoy supporting the club a lot more if you rolled with the punches a little more, but I'll leave it there. You cant help your natural disposition. None of us can.
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