Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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Nah your 100% right, let's racially abuse any fucker that doesn't want to play for our team, wants to move to a club to win trophies after his captain has said his biggest regret in his career is not winning the prem!!! Let's get all the media to absolutely slaughter and discredit a 19/20 year old for not signing a new contract at a place that hasn't and won't win the league for a long time. After they all voted him European golden boy lets get the sky 4 press to strip his skills and potential down to zero and brag how over rated he is!!! Let's get our manager who for over a year has been saying what a down to earth, grounded, nice young lad raheem is And turn it all upside down and strip him of all his dignity and say what a money grabbing, greedy, disrespectful whore he is. Let's find out his personal phone number share it on the Internet and send death threats and racial abuse and fuck it let's turn up at his house and abuse the c#*t there as well. Then we can say how our club and fans have handled the situation with class and raheem is the classless overrated jumped up greedy little prick. Yeah right mate he ain't perfect but he is only 5% of the problem in this transfer. Compare yourselves to Southampton in the lovren transfer and come back claiming how what's happened is sterling fault you massive wizards sleeve!!!!
Nah your 100% right, let's racially abuse any fucker that doesn't want to play for our team, wants to move to a club to win trophies after his captain has said his biggest regret in his career is not winning the prem!!! Let's get all the media to absolutely slaughter and discredit a 19/20 year old for not signing a new contract at a place that hasn't and won't win the league for a long time. After they all voted him European golden boy lets get the sky 4 press to strip his skills and potential down to zero and brag how over rated he is!!! Let's get our manager who for over a year has been saying what a down to earth, grounded, nice young lad raheem is And turn it all upside down and strip him of all his dignity and say what a money grabbing, greedy, disrespectful whore he is. Let's find out his personal phone number share it on the Internet and send death threats and racial abuse and fuck it let's turn up at his house and abuse the c#*t there as well. Then we can say how our club and fans have handled the situation with class and raheem is the classless overrated jumped up greedy little prick. Yeah right mate he ain't perfect but he is only 5% of the problem in this transfer. Compare yourselves to Southampton in the lovren transfer and come back claiming how what's happened is sterling fault you massive wizards sleeve!!!!

Love it :-)
So what were your thoughts when Lovren threatened to go on strike if Southampton did'nt let him go to your lot.Or Lallana refusing to play for Southampton,which he denies ( of course he would).

Lallana leaving Southampton wasn't acrimonious so lets not go there. Lovren's behaviour was totally unacceptable and unprofessional. Listen, I am not one of these fans that is be biased towards my team if I think a players has been unprofessional. I will tell it as it is. I just wish fans on here would take of their city hat and look at things from the outside. Sterling has been badly advised and has to accept responsibility for some for the shit thats happened. I just don't buy this Sterling is a victim that folks on here are claiming. What I also find laughable and embarrassing is how many on here were waxing lyrical about Wards behaviour too a few weeks back. Surely you must have some concerns about him. I am pretty sure clubs will think twice about doing business with Ward and to. At least Berahino has seen sense and ditched him.
Show me the quote where Rodgers said this?
I have no problem with him wanting to play for a team that is challenging for trophies even though at 20 he's go so many years left in him to achieve his aims. However, the way him and his agent have gone about this is absolutely embarrassing and totally unprofessional. I don't expect many city fans to agree though

Show me the yardstick which shows he's been unprofessional? You like burning shirts don't you? First Gerrard, Then Dracula and now Sterling....your support should show professionalism and just suck it up. Imagine how Watford felt when moneybags Liverpool came calling for Johnny Barnez the crowd go Ba-nar-nez.

Deal with it.
Lallana leaving Southampton wasn't acrimonious so lets not go there. Lovren's behaviour was totally unacceptable. Listen, I am not one of these fans that is be biased towards my team if I think a players has been unprofessional. I will tell it as it is. I just wish fans on here would take of their city hat and look at things from the outside. Sterling has been badly advised and has to accept responsibility for some for the shit thats happened. I just don't buy this Sterling is a victim that folks on here are claiming. What I also find laughable and embarrassing is how many on here were waxing lyrical about Wards behaviour too. Surely you must have some concerns about him. I am pretty sure clubs will think twice about doing business with Ward and to. At least Berahino has seen sense and ditched him.

as you are still here do you mind me asking how did you enjoy your title winning season of 2013/2014?
This makes me mad because Rogers knew what he was doing with the camera's are on. In this instance, with a 17 year old boy, you wait, you wait until the camera's are off, and you talk to him like an adult - in private. To each his own with managing style, but could you EVER see Peller's doing this? (maybe mancini haha)
Nah your 100% right, let's racially abuse any fucker that doesn't want to play for our team, wants to move to a club to win trophies after his captain has said his biggest regret in his career is not winning the prem!!! Let's get all the media to absolutely slaughter and discredit a 19/20 year old for not signing a new contract at a place that hasn't and won't win the league for a long time. After they all voted him European golden boy lets get the sky 4 press to strip his skills and potential down to zero and brag how over rated he is!!! Let's get our manager who for over a year has been saying what a down to earth, grounded, nice young lad raheem is And turn it all upside down and strip him of all his dignity and say what a money grabbing, greedy, disrespectful whore he is. Let's find out his personal phone number share it on the Internet and send death threats and racial abuse and fuck it let's turn up at his house and abuse the c#*t there as well. Then we can say how our club and fans have handled the situation with class and raheem is the classless overrated jumped up greedy little prick. Yeah right mate he ain't perfect but he is only 5% of the problem in this transfer. Compare yourselves to Southampton in the lovren transfer and come back claiming how what's happened is sterling fault you massive wizards sleeve!!!!
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