Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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Well Id say this, the likes of Aguero, Yaya, Silva, came in as ready made players. Theyre no brainers, and dont need any analysis to say thats a good signing before theyve kicked a ball.

There was a thread on RAWK titled something like "who needs Silva when we've got gold". Gold in this case was Yossi Bennayoun.
On your point about yaya,Silva,and aguero.
Yaya was on the fringes at barca and was playing centre half,and Silva was considered to be maybe to lightweight for the prem at first ,think its fair to say they have all gone up several gears at city

All three of Aguero, Toure and Silva have enhanced their careers and reputations with us. Nobody could argue otherwise.
Even Wenger has admitted that he's a top class player.

I wish the Scouse twats would stop desperately trying to convince us all otherwise.

Bore off back to RAWK to jizz over Markovic and Joe Allen.

So they set a value of £50m for an ordinary player? Idiots.
Absolutely buzzing. He's 20 years old!! He could be with us for the next 15 years or so. I couldn't give a fuck how much he costs, be it a quid or 1 billion. All those who take the piss how much he's cost us? None of us care. Just shows you can't think of anything better to say.

Remind me how much was di Maria again? And Andy carroll?
Yaya was considered overpriced / overpaid and a Barca failure when he joined. A lot weren't convinced he'd be a good signing.
Silva was considered too small / slight and might not make it in PL.

Don't get me wrong, they weren't poor players, but they certainly weren't nailed on success stories before they joined.
Bloody hell snap just posted the same !!
So will Benteke have been groomed from a young age by Dick Emery aswell? Did Clyne and Lallana come through the Liverpool youth system, or Torres when you were a buying club?

have you forgotten about your club hoovering up all of the best players in the 70's and 80's or have you forgotten about that aswell in a Heysel sort of way?

Move along mate and grab some candles on your way out.

You guys are really defensive. It was a question about youth development at your club and Pellegrini, and some of you have reacted like its the most insane question youve ever heard.

If your saying City doesnt have that problem, at all, definitely not, then I think youre turning a blind eye to it.

Heres another way of looking at it. At ages 20-23 , still immature , he would probably be better off under Rodgers and Wenger. When hes developed as a player, thats the time to be playing at City.

David Silva aged 20 moving to City would not have been as right as Silva aged 24 moving City.
What happened to the thread about sky sports news using a Utd fan in a city top to slag off sterling?
This. Pdippers act like all premiere league clubs were going to start receiving twice the amount of money with the new tv deal, yet players were going to stay the same price? Yeah. That's not how economics works unfortunately.
Exactly. Even the price for a bottle of milk has gone up since dipper overpaid mighty Carroll few years ago.
Sterling is twice the player and he is only 20 years old and worth every penny.
I was cocerned if the dippers were going to raise the price around 60-70 falling for bluff call from Chelsea .
Why are people so transfixed on the price!!! I couldn't care if he cost 7 trillion. We as a club can afford it. If we couldn't we won't have gone for him. He will make our squad better and I'm happy he is here. Sick to death of the quoted transfer fee. I mean who really gives 2 shits what he cost. It is what it is!

You can't completely ignore the price, because at some point there's a price that doesn't make sense to pay. Everybody has a different view on that price, but you can't ignore it.
We couldn't pay 7 trillion, and we are still subject to FFP like everybody else, so whilst we now have a lot more money to spend than we used to, it's not unlimited.
If we didn't care about money and it didn't matter, we'd pay 100m for Pogba and 500m for Messi if we could. But we can't. The cost does matter, but thankfully we aren't as crippled as we used to be. We can now shop with the big boys.
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