Real Madrid (A) Post Match Thread

Still fcuking seething more so after the Casemiro and ref time wasting stuff has emerged
Please City get this league done by hook or by crook, any means necessary and yes if we have to keep the ball in the oppo corner for the last 5 minutes , do it!!. We did it pretty well at the swamp I seem to remember
Yes, the ref was diabolically shite, a far stronger one would possibly have sent Casemiro off and we would probably have cruised the game. To not even issue a card was bent beyond belief. Unfortunately, we will always get these refs the further we progress in the competition. Just another reason why it will be so difficult to win this competition
Yes, the ref was diabolically shite, a far stronger one would possibly have sent Casemiro off and we would probably have cruised the game. To not even issue a card was bent beyond belief. Unfortunately, we will always get these refs the further we progress in the competition. Just another reason why it will be so difficult to win this competition
Why didn’t the VAR assistant have anything to say about that foul. Another look at it would have surely resulted in a red card
Yes, the ref was diabolically shite, a far stronger one would possibly have sent Casemiro off and we would probably have cruised the game. To not even issue a card was bent beyond belief. Unfortunately, we will always get these refs the further we progress in the competition. Just another reason why it will be so difficult to win this competition
The tie overall should have been put to bed in the first 45 minutes at the Etihad, Real were on the ropes and getting ripped to shreds, yet after 90 minutes we had a one goal lead, that's why this tie was lost.
I must have read a hundred variations on this theme tonight alone. What the hell is wrong with everybody? This was nothing to do with learning lessons, great/poor coaching or not finishing, they got lucky. Courtois made a fantastic save from Grealish, one of several on the night while another defender saved one on the line. Meanwhile they did nothing of note all night and got one back at the death then got a lucky deflection with the second. Unless you're talking about programming robots to do an exact thing every time, this has been the case with football since day one. "You need a bit of luck...." - it's one of the most repeated phrases in football and for a reason. They scabbed it, nothing more, nothing less.

Football is not an exact science and the minute people realise that we might get somewhere. If it was, the team that cracked it would win every match and every trophy every year. Pep did nothing wrong, Grealish did nothing wrong, and under the circumstances in a difficult arena against serial winners, nobody else did. They didn't have a shot on target until the 90th minute FFS! Get real! 99 times out of 100 we win that, just now and again the gods shine on the other team and they get the bit of luck that's needed. Even their fans weren't expecting it, they were leaving. If this were the norm they wouldn't have been because they would have expected it.

People talk about Mbappe but if the chips are down he goes AWOL. PSG haven't won it. You could change all 11 players and play the best game you've ever played and still lose. That's why the league title is hardest to win, you have to do it over 38 matches, not half a dozen. RM don't have any great competition in La Liga at the moment that's why they won the league by 15 points. We were the better team throughout, there's no way over 180 minutes they deserved anything from that tie over the 2 matches, and most times in the same circumstances that's exactly what they'd get.

The only other thing I would add is a decent referee would have seen them down to 10 men in the first half, and then you have a different match. Or Walker wouldn't have got injured. Or Courtois wouldn't have had one of his best games. These are the things that make a difference, it's about fine margins, not Pep, Grealish or whoever else you people want to blame this week. I know we're all upset but don't do the team a dis-service, they don't deserve that. This is a team that given us more than we could have ever dreamed of back in '99 when we were scrapping in the play off final to get out of the 3rd division, and the way it happened last night makes it seem 100 times worse, but you couldn't swap this period in our history for anything. Enjoy it while it lasts, if you're waiting for us to get the perfect team and clean up every season you're going to be very disappointed.
best post in this thread
Would Casemiro have been stupid enough to commit either his second or third yellow card offence if he'd been booked for the first one? If the answer is "no" then we'd have been up against a slightly hesitant defender, but still a top class defender. Would we have been able to gain a significant advantage?
As for the question of motivation: We have a team of top class players and all of them needed a degree of self-motivation to get to the top of their games. Whatever Pep did or didn't say, they should have been sufficiently motivated in the final few minutes to see out the game. They shouldn't have needed an "on-pitch leader" to keep their heads together, not taking chances and not giving the ball away cheaply should have been obvious to each and every one of them.
Ahh... Last night's non-existent high press, is that the one you mean?

Pep gambled and lost. Should have started with Gundogan rather than KDB.
Mate, Wednesdays night defeat was not on Pep, last years final, Lyon the year before, you may have an argument.

Real's win was down to wasteful finishing in both games, poor individual defending and complacency, and lack of good fortune nothing more.

Cup competitions are not always won by the best teams, hence why I never got the love in for the English obsession with the FA Cup. Before the start of the Premier league, the winners of the FA Cup received more glory and accolades than the winners of the title, totally crazy!

Luck plays a huge part in winning cups, over the two Real Madrid ties we were stone cold out of luck.

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