Redcafe clowns

LiamW17 said:
jrb said:
Still couldn't bring yourself to admit it could you Liam. Not what I was told by plenty of reds who went and who I know. Perhaps they were lieing and they really weren't that impressed by it.

As for your do what you want chant. Your taking the piss Liam. You lot sing it because you really belive it. It's arrogrance that has built up over the years and stems from Fergie, as much as your fans.

As for us. Narr Liam. We've always laughed at oursleves and seen the funny side of football. As for your lot. You're too wrapped up in yourselves to be any different.


Alright, I'll 'admit' it, it does look fun, everyone all joining in with the same thing, yeah, looks very enjoyable, then again, when I see fans just jumping up and down, i think that looks fun, and I'd like to see united fans do that, but our chant, is not arrogance!! This is why we sing it, cos it annoys people, particularly your lot, cos it comes across as arrogant, cocky and untouchable. We know we aren't, but we know how much it winds you all up.

-- Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:42 pm --

dom said:
Funny smell of burnt rubber when a fast backtrack is underway ! LOL

Bcktracking from what? I never started an argument, or even gave an opinion, just stated a fact, that you have a go at some of the 'stupid' things we say. I'll stick my neck out, and say that there are actually a few that genuinely believe what they're saying, that you actually aren't interested in the game, but the vast majority, 99.9% say what they say just to try an put it down.

So you do it to annoy people Liam. Is that football fans in general or just people in general? TBH Liam I can't speak for other football fans, but it makes you lot look like c***s. Why should that annoy or upset me? Only you know.

Compare and contrast to us doing the Poznan. Getting other football fans looking on in amazement and smiling. I've seen it with my own eyes Liam.(when I've faced forward)

Lucky neither are PR stunts Liam, because if they were, yours would have backfired big time. Wait a minute it has. People think United fans are bigger cunts than before.

You just don't get it do you Liam. ;-)
ICT-Tam said:
I didnt see that liam guy post anything offensive? What caused that la dee da? I assume none of you have ever met someone with an opinion different to yours? Grow the fuck up, some city fans have become so self obsessed its unreal.

A rag comes on here talking billy bollox and you want to be his mate?

The red **** can fuck right off back to his skyplus box.

Why wasn't he at an important game for his arrogant club tonight?

Cos he was on here winding up blues instead about how we support our team when we attend games.

He is a dickhead end of.
jrb said:
LiamW17 said:
Alright, I'll 'admit' it, it does look fun, everyone all joining in with the same thing, yeah, looks very enjoyable, then again, when I see fans just jumping up and down, i think that looks fun, and I'd like to see united fans do that, but our chant, is not arrogance!! This is why we sing it, cos it annoys people, particularly your lot, cos it comes across as arrogant, cocky and untouchable. We know we aren't, but we know how much it winds you all up.

-- Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:42 pm --

Bcktracking from what? I never started an argument, or even gave an opinion, just stated a fact, that you have a go at some of the 'stupid' things we say. I'll stick my neck out, and say that there are actually a few that genuinely believe what they're saying, that you actually aren't interested in the game, but the vast majority, 99.9% say what they say just to try an put it down.

So you do it to annoy people Liam. Is that football fans in general or just people in general? TBH Liam I can't speak for other football fans, but it makes you lot look like c***s. Why should that annoy or upset me? Only you know.

Compare and contrast to us doing the Poznan. Getting other football fans looking on in amazement and smiling. I've seen it with my own eyes Liam.(when I've faced forward)

Lucky neither are PR stunts Liam, because if they were, yours has backfired big time. Wait a minute it has. People think United fans are bigger cunts than before.

You just don't get it do you Liam. ;-)

It's not our fault it annoys other people, like it's not your fault that the poznan annoys us, but you should remember it is sung ironically, we really do not take that seriously. I would say it's mainly aimed at our main rivals (you but mailny liverpool) solely cos we know that you two more than anyone feel that everything goes our way, and we laugh that off. That chant, is our way of laughing off this whole conspiracy that everything goes our way.

And I;m sure that other fans do look on at the poznan and smile, but do you think if arsenal did it, tottenham fans would smile at it, no, cos nobody likes anything that their main rivals do, in fact, yes, it is just because you do it, that we don't like it, and I'm sure the same applies to you for most things<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:06 pm --<br /><br />
blueskies2 said:
ICT-Tam said:
I didnt see that liam guy post anything offensive? What caused that la dee da? I assume none of you have ever met someone with an opinion different to yours? Grow the fuck up, some city fans have become so self obsessed its unreal.

A rag comes on here talking billy bollox and you want to be his mate?

The red **** can fuck right off back to his skyplus box.

Why wasn't he at an important game for his arrogant club tonight?

Cos he was on here winding up blues instead about how we support our team when we attend games.

He is a dickhead end of.

Wasn't at the game for money, being 17 i'm too old for junior tickets, but I'm still at school, therefore don't have a job, and FYI I was at the derby, amongst other games this season
What's the point in biting?

Despiet the "intelligent" facade,You know It's just a matter of time before we get the usual "Massive" "35 years" or "Bertie."

Who really gives a shit what any of them have got to say?

You know they're plastic,have virtually no emotional involvement in their club other than through the TV,know nothing of their own history yet happily shout "council house" bullshit.

They are pointless discussing anything with.
They have no redeeming features.
Characterless.Bland.The epitome of the "blend in."

Fuck them.
LiamW17 said:
jrb said:
So you do it to annoy people Liam. Is that football fans in general or just people in general? TBH Liam I can't speak for other football fans, but it makes you lot look like c***s. Why should that annoy or upset me? Only you know.

Compare and contrast to us doing the Poznan. Getting other football fans looking on in amazement and smiling. I've seen it with my own eyes Liam.(when I've faced forward)

Lucky neither are PR stunts Liam, because if they were, yours has backfired big time. Wait a minute it has. People think United fans are bigger cunts than before.

You just don't get it do you Liam. ;-)

It's not our fault it annoys other people, like it's not your fault that the poznan annoys us, but you should remember it is sung ironically, we really do not take that seriously. I would say it's mainly aimed at our main rivals (you but mailny liverpool) solely cos we know that you two more than anyone feel that everything goes our way, and we laugh that off. That chant, is our way of laughing off this whole conspiracy that everything goes our way.

And I;m sure that other fans do look on at the poznan and smile, but do you think if arsenal did it, tottenham fans would smile at it, no, cos nobody likes anything that their main rivals do, in fact, yes, it is just because you do it, that we don't like it, and I'm sure the same applies to you for most things

-- Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:06 pm --

blueskies2 said:
A rag comes on here talking billy bollox and you want to be his mate?

The red **** can fuck right off back to his skyplus box.

Why wasn't he at an important game for his arrogant club tonight?

Cos he was on here winding up blues instead about how we support our team when we attend games.

He is a dickhead end of.

Wasn't at the game for money, being 17 i'm too old for junior tickets, but I'm still at school, therefore don't have a job, and FYI I was at the derby, amongst other games this season

Bat and ball Liam. I'm off all week.

At least you seem to have grasped the reasoning behind the Poznan and why we do it. I'm sure your time would be better spent on Red Cafe enlightening your friends in red(black, yellow, green, gold.....) about it.

Then again, you could stay on here, do what you want, and keep on annoying the f*** out of some of us.(not me)

Your choice.

Look, I've got many United mates (who incidentally go to most games) and the problem I have, even with the 'hardcore' of them, is that they simply don't get it. This general perception of City fans is that we are now all arrogant because we have money and its utterly ridiculous. We have, and always will, follow City because we love City. You can take the money, take the prospect of now actually winning anything away and guess what...we'd still be here and still having fun. The problem all you rags have now is that we are actually a threat and you bricking yourselves. And whether you admit it or not...I don't give a shit.

CTID. Always have been, always will be.
LiamW17 said:
the 'we do what we want' is an ironic chant, based on the fact that all the decisions go our way, media love us, FA love fergie etc. we're taking the piss out of the fact that we can get away with everything.

edited for accuracy.

just to remind you:

1) rooney's elbow at wigan
2) neville's 2nd yellow that never came at stoke
3) penalty & neville's red card that never came at west brom
4) clattenburg's failure to communicate his decision to gomes to allow nani to sneak a goal against spurs
5) webb giving a soft penalty when he should have given liverpool a free kick & booked berbatov for diving
6) nani unpunished for manhandling the ref (mandatory red card offence) at anfield
7) vidic's 3 headbutts & a punch on opponents last season that went completely unpunished
8) scholes routinely clattering opponents from behind but rarely puniushed because "he can't tackle"
9) serial diving by nani the cheat
10) rooney serially effing & blinding officials but never getting red carded for it (respect? pfft. we do what we want)
11) atkinson playing 7 minutes added time when 4 had been signalled
12) fergie time in general - it's happened so often for so long it's now a national joke
13) season before last tranny kicking 3 opponents but completely unpunished even after reviews while players on other teams (including swp) get 3 game bans following a review
14) bacon face's continuing refusal to talk to the bbc & the total lack of any sanction against him - what happened to the £1000 a game fine that was promised by the premier league?

do you want me to go on?
To be fair I dont understand the reason behind that poznan poster or flyer or whatever you call it.

Because we actually attend the games (Unlike them) Im sure we all know what the poznan is by now.
Freestyler said:
what's the obsession with stockport?

oh hold on, this coming from a **** from WALES.

idiot, prick, tosser, THICK.

wish someone would shoot them all dead, it would be a much better world.

-- Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:44 pm --

LiamW17 - united kick-off in a minute.

you better hurry up and get their for kick-off!

oh hold on a minute...

So what are you saying? you wish all Welsh people were dead!!!

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