Ref Watch City Games - 2023/24

Agree with all of that. My lad has started reffing and I'm going to watch to make sure he's ok. Shouldn't need to do that, but the attitude of parents and coaches (more so than the parents) means I feel like he needs a guardian (despite being 18 now and bigger than me). It was like that through all the years he's played with some coaches acting like it was the World Cup Final, not an u14 game in the 3rd tier of a kid's league.

The ref was terrible yesterday and that decision at the end was an utter joke that prevented a goal scoring opportunity - a player would have been sent off for doing what he did. That doesn't allow players, including ours, to surround the ref and shout at him. I'd lost my rag in the stands as well, but on the pitch, football need to get much more like rugby.

We were lucky a few didn't get reds yesterday and there may still be some sanctions.
Best wishes to your son on his refereeing career. I hope he enjoys it and prospers. I really enjoyed my refereeing, progressing through the ranks back in the 90s.
Unprecedented error you say, The Swamp last season I say.
Don't get me wrong, I'm agreeing with you but it's certainly not unprecedented. :-)
I'm still waiting to see an example posted of a referee signalling advantage, then changing his mind and awarding a foul because the advantage didn't ensue. It looks unprecedented to me.
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It's pointless to argue about Hooper.

1. Everybody knows it was a mistake.
2. Only Hooper knows why he made that mistake. It was probably incompetence/human error. Shit happens. We should have decided the game in the first half.
There are two main types of mistakes in life, those being;

1. The ones where you unintentionally did something, like kerbing your new alloys. You regret it afterwards but can't really explain what happened.

2. The ones where you intentionally did something, like shagging your missus' best mate behind her back. You also regret it and deep down know the reason you did it, but don't want to tell anyone.

Hooper has basically nailed his birds mate here
I dont know why youre getting your knickers in a twist with me. Im as pissed off as you but i dont think the actual corruption exists, you think it does, im just interested in what way you think it does? Thats all. To use your parlance, its kinda how forums work.
Read your posts and take a long look at yourself and your attitude before you comment about someone else. I'm not wasting any more time on you.
As in why he blew, the only two things I can think of are he didn’t see Grealish as his view was blocked or he thought the chance wasn’t as good as it was.
It's possible that if he didn't see Grealish, or didn't think Grealish had a clear run, then he could have blown quickly as time was running out. However in the current climate of allowing more stoppage time there is no excuse for him blowing before he fully understood the situation.
I'm still waiting to see an example posted of a referee signalling advantage, then changing his mind and searching a foul because the advantage didn't ensue. It looks unprecedented to me.

When did you ref up to? It’s still the guidance to do exactly that in the lower levels. The recommendation a few years ago changed at the elite level to not signal but there’s still plenty that do and don’t, it’s never been a rule.
It's possible that if he didn't see Grealish, or didn't think Grealish had a clear run, then he could have blown quickly as time was running out. However in the current climate of allowing more stoppage time there is no excuse for him blowing before he fully understood the situation.

I agree, don’t think anyone is disputing it was an absolute howler.
There are two main types of mistakes in life, those being;

1. The ones where you unintentionally did something, like kerbing your new alloys. You regret it afterwards but can't really explain what happened.

2. The ones where you intentionally did something, like shagging your missus' best mate behind her back. You also regret it and deep down know the reason you did it, but don't want to tell anyone.

Hooper has basically nailed his birds mate here

As I wrote earlier in the thread, Hooper has a history of questionable decisions against us, e.g., at Southampton in January 2022. Wouldn't be surprised if the mistake wasn't unintentional. At the same time, most English referees are really bad now. Hard to tell incompetence from corruption.
The Liverpool goal was not allowed due to a poor process of communication. VAR thought it had been allowed and as a result of the protocol used to communicate between VAR and on field ref an error occurred. I understand that PiGMOL have asked air traffic control experts to review communication protocol and for sure it's unlikely to happen again. So, although a major error there was an explanation. If it's accepted that Hooper made an unfortunate mistake yesterday then how did he arrive at it
His mistake had many facets to it, that should have made it unlikely to happen, covered on here to some depth.
So, I disagree as Im my view its a least has bad if not worse that the LFC one, which before VAR it would never have happened in the way it did; the Lino would have flagged for offside the ref ( Hooper) would have awarded an indirect FK and Tv would have shown the lino was wrong, this would have been added to a long list over the years and would have been accepted.
Hooper did exactly the correct thing in waving play-on, there is absolutely no valid reason as to why he changed his mind, its not even in the instructions to refs to do so. He also could have allowed play to continue as he originally determined and then rely on VAR to find fault.
I don't want an apology from Webb and his bunch of sycophants I want a valid explanation, backed up by audio as to how Hooper arrived at his decision. Pressure isn't an excuse, he's a highly paid experience man doing a job he's trained for, he deals with pressure like that week in week out
100% agree.

In addition, Hooper is on £80k+ per year, plus match fees and travel expenses. He should forfeit his match fee for this magnitude of a mistake.

If I was his line manager, I'd have him in my office to ask him his thought process that led to him playing advantage, then cancelling a clear advantage with no justification. There's no way I would accept "Sorry, my bad. I'm gutted. Won't happen again".

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