Ref Watch City Games - 2023/24

If you wanted to get all conspiracy theory you could argue that result helps keeps it a three horse race, which suits Sky and the PL perfectly.

Not me though... ;-)

Nor me, of course. That would be stupid as those who think they know everything tell us it can't be happening.

We have been refereed surprisingly fairly in the last few games, though. I do wonder if the club hasn't had a word.
Nor me, of course. That would be stupid as those who think they know everything tell us it can't be happening.

We have been refereed surprisingly fairly in the last few games, though. I do wonder if the club hasn't had a word.
Thought the same for over a month now except for protecting our players and iffy use of yellow cards we seem to be getting treated well
I personally think we are talking about poor refereeing standards in this country and I also think that Peps systems etc and the way we play has exposed this
Very rare a non British Ref ie in Europe is crap despite our run ins with UEFA and when they are it’s possibly due to their nationality ie inferior league backgrounds.
For me the best evidence is how none of our refs have a fucking clue about positional sense when we are probing for an opening when we are in the last third or around the oppositions penalty area they become more effective than the fucking opposition at cutting off the passing angles etc. I used to think this was deliberate especially Alty but on reflection he can’t be that fucking good ….. come on the lad who was last pick at school won’t have such space awareness surely
Yeah but if you challenge with your foot that high, you’re always asking for trouble regardless of how much you hurt the other player, that’s where different refs see it very differently.

I’ve seen worse not given and I’ve seen less given, like I said I’m just glad VAR (rightly) didn’t intervene.

Dermot will be on later Dutch ruddering the scousers and agreeing they were "robbed".

Probably throw in Walker should be red carded as well for having the audacity to hammer Sutcliffe.
Our FIRST debatable decision at the cesspit, I could name double digit figures against us.They are unsurprisingly quiet over their illegal winner last week, maybe Stuart Atwell does have a conscience!
Our FIRST debatable decision at the cesspit, I could name double digit figures against us.They are unsurprisingly quiet over their illegal winner last week, maybe Stuart Atwell does have a conscience!
I wonder if in his head he was thinking he fucked up last weekend to help them beat forest. Bit suss if he does it again.

Watching the game and my partner (who is not bothered about football one bit) commented that the Liverpool players look angry and aggressive and she commented that they seem to be kicking city players, she asked is that allowed. I said it seems to be. I began to torture her with my conspiracy theory that refs allow it to give any advantage to the opposition and I stated that the ref won't allow city players to do the same. Right on que silva gets booked for leaving one on macallister right after macallister left one on him. My partner is now well and truly believing the game is bent. Job done.
They got pretty much everything correct today. Doku thing was never a penalty in a million years. McAllister and Salah were a disgrace with their diving but difficult for the ref to see that on the pitch. Var can't award bookings if I am right?
Not sure about never a penalty in a million years, if that happened against city and we didn’t get a penalty then I’d be fuming

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