Refugee crisis

I'm not one for knee-jerk emotion but that picture makes me want to cry.

Hopefully it may do some good by making people realise that 'immigrants' are real people that need real help. Britains stance on this matter is sickening.
ISIS are fighting Assad - a few years ago we were arming ISIS (the 'rebels') to fight Assad? It doesn't make sense to interfere in Syria now whilst we can't even choose a side to fight on. Not long ago we could of been fighting alongside ISIS! Cameron voted to interfere years ago in Syria several years ago and nip it in the bud but public opinion and the resulting house of commons vote agreed we should not interfere in Syria and leave them to their own devices. Negative public opinion on starting another war is the exact reason we were not out there years ago which would of okay got rid of Assad but also prevented ISIS from gaining control over much of the region. Cameron held a vote for it and we said no so we have to live with that now. We can't just decide to go all out over there now that the problem is getting out of control. Again, the public want us to rid the world of ISIS but of course they are not happy to have another war, we can't decide to forgo both.

ISIS is just a creation of our own indecision and poor foreign policy, destroying it now it has spread is not as easy as just dropping bombs 'somewhere' in the Middle East, ISIS has now become a far spread movement that no longer knows borders. It is no longer something we can fight and unfortunately it is now down to the Arab nations to start doing something about it but they won't because for example Syria and the Saudi's have always had a traditionally frosty relationship stoked by the fact that Iran has supported Assad whilst the Saudi's supported the rebels. It is the same reason Turkey is standing by it's land borders but would not interfere on behalf of a traditional enemy in the Kurds in Iraq.

The ones who should really be taking in their fair share of refugees is the USA who are happily sat thousands of miles away from this problem whilst they are a big part part of the reason why it exists. After the Iraq war, indecision is the only reason ISIS exists and they are partly just an after thought of the destabilizing Arab Spring which rocked so many countries. Unfortunately this is just what happens when regions are allowed to explode due to interference and instability.

Back on topic, we should be doing what we can to support these refugees because we have caused this problem however other countries cannot blame us whilst these people are sat a thousand of miles away in Greece. What they really need out there is a temporary refugee camp where they can get medical care, clean beds and blankets and food. We also need to do more to support those coming across so no-one else loses their lives crossing the Mediterranean. Those fleeing war torn countries should be given every help they can but for the sake of our own resources we have to draw the line at where people are in real need and where they are not.
They have reopened Budapest station and the thousands of people outside have ran in and jumped on any train there, 90% seem to be young men aged between 16 and 30, wonder why they are not back in Syria defending their Homeland?
Quite a few newspapers referring to the child as a "little boy", shouldn't that be "little migrant" you horrible bastards. Thats all it took for them to finally humaise these people is it, a child, dead with lungs full of water.
The thing that struck me most about the image was the boys little trainers, used to put my little brothers on for him before school every day and can imagine the parents doing the same for him before the big trip to freedom, away from the hellhole they were living. Horrible
War is horrendous.............not that long ago it was us fighting Germany and the Nazis, Italy, Japan.

This seems worse to me somehow but probably isn't.
What is shocking about some people who get into rickety old boats to cross a large sea getting drowned?

It is what anyone would expect to happen, hardly a shock.

I'm satisfied with Cameron's hard line approach.

You're joking surely?

Edit: Ahh, read a few of your other posts in this thread and you aren't are you.

This is the saddest thing, that views like this seem to be becoming the majority. Not sure whats happened. People are meant to help people, that's how we have survived this long. We cant just stop now that we are settled.
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I'm not too clued up about it all but you seem to know your apples mate with regards to the troubles in that region. If we were to do what you suggest what would stop their brothers/children/families from wanting vengeance for our actions in the future?
It just seems to be escalating.
Quite a few newspapers referring to the child as a "little boy", shouldn't that be "little migrant" you horrible bastards. Thats all it took for them to finally humaise these people is it, a child, dead with lungs full of water.
The thing that struck me most about the image was the boys little trainers, used to put my little brothers on for him before school every day and can imagine the parents doing the same for him before the big trip to freedom, away from the hellhole they were living. Horrible
Absolutely shocking image it has to be said the poor little boy, what were his parents doing putting him in a flimsy dingy and leaving the safe shores of Bodrum Turkey where they could have claimed Asylum, heartbreaking
Absolutely shocking image it has to be said the poor little boy, what were his parents doing putting him in a flimsy dingy and leaving the safe shores of Bodrum Turkey where they could have claimed Asylum, heartbreaking

I was thinking the same as Bodrum is a resort town, they must of had good reason though im guessing. I know that he family had apparently claimed for asylum in Canada but it was turned down. Heading to Kos is probably the next logical step for these people as its the "gateway to the EU" as they call it. Either way, its horrible and i hope something good can come of this image
I'm not one for knee-jerk emotion but that picture makes me want to cry.

Hopefully it may do some good by making people realise that 'immigrants' are real people that need real help. Britains stance on this matter is sickening.
It sure is mate, to think that folk voted for this horrible bastard who's in charge of our country, sitting back and doing sod all.
It sure is mate, to think that folk voted for this horrible bastard who's in charge of our country, sitting back and doing sod all.

I do actually think that David Cameron will see this and feel absolutely nothing inside, he will immediately think about himself, what he will say to the press and how he can spin it.

Thats just him though,i dont think this is a left/right issue. I reckon most normal people will see this image and think that somethings fucked up, that something needs to be done. Hopefully anyway

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