Refugee crisis

Russel Brand?

Can't stand the bloke, as I said I am no hand wringer I just can't think of a better cause right now where we can make a difference if we all try.And I know I sound like a slapped arse but that's genuinely what I think.
The Syrians need help. We, and the rest of Europe, should set up make shift fenced off camps. Not like a prison but somewhere where they can settle until something is sorted. People could donate food, blankets ect. Anything has to be better than the shit they're goin through at the minute and they'll be looked after rather than trying to beg a living from nothing.

I want out of the eu. But why is it OK for members of the eu to come here through greed (money) yet we're turning away those that actually need our help. Its sickening.

'Oh your from Poland, have a nice life in Poland with a home and job but want a job that pays more?. Come on in'.

'Oh, your from a war torn county, running for you lives, your homes have been destroyed and your town has been taken over by murdering terrorists. Fook off, we don't want you'.

One of the experts said tonight that this conflict in the Middle East May last thirty years. Bearing in mind that Germany ha stakes in 800,000 so far and I would guess a million by the end I the year, it's not inconceivable that Europe could be taking 3-5 million a year if we just let them all in. How long do you think infrastructure would last under that sort of pressure.

I have a theory - Isis are doing these awful things just to force more refugees into Europe which they hope will destabilise.

Already it is apparent that different countries have differing views about how many they want to take and it is obvious that the schenghen treaty isn't fit for this purpose so countries are rebuilding their borders.

Maybe there really isn't an option but to stop them coming at source even if that means changing the orders we give to the patrol ships to turn back boats

What do you all think?
The problem is ISIS, eradicate them and we just might see a bit of stability in Syria and Iraq, Bashar Al Assad needs sorting as well
I think it's totally appropriate. The attitude from most of the country seems to be 'f*ck em, we gotta enough immigrants ' ... That picture is just one of thousands of tragic deaths so far, people (not f*cking migrants) people, men, women and baby's drowning out in the Sea, suffocating in backs of Lorrys. The UN really need to do a lot lot more, the government aswell but mostly the attitudes of our greedy rich population who can easily turn a blind eye to stories like this.
spot on.
I find it strange that 1 picture seems to some to outweigh the 1,000's of women & children raped by the Islamic State.
UK isnt to blame for whats going on its the Human Traffickers from that childs country thats responsible & countrys in Asia for not stepping in and helping them.

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