Refugee crisis

The problem is ISIS, eradicate them and we just might see a bit of stability in Syria and Iraq, Bashar Al Assad needs sorting as well
I'm not too clued up about it all but you seem to know your apples mate with regards to the troubles in that region. If we were to do what you suggest what would stop their brothers/children/families from wanting vengeance for our actions in the future?
It just seems to be escalating.
I'm not too clued up about it all but you seem to know your apples mate with regards to the troubles in that region. If we were to do what you suggest what would stop their brothers/children/families from wanting vengeance for our actions in the future?
It just seems to be escalating.
Whether people like it or not, the only way the situation over there is going to start getting under control is allowing Iran to enter the fray. The problem with that is that could cause problems with Saudi Arabia, but as they appear to be the fuckers funding ISIS, this might have to happen anyway if ISIS are going to be dealt with properly. As for the refugee crisis vs the state of our public sector, one has nothing to do with the other. The public sector is not fucked because of immigration, its fucked because the tory party want it fucked so they can sell it off to the private sector. Cameron announced a multi-million plan initiative to help stop a repeat performance of Cecil the fucking Lion, I'm sure we can find money to help people escaping things like suicide bombers, beheading, rape and war.
I have thought for a while that part of the solution has to be to give all able bodied males (& females, imo) who arrive in the EU a pair of boots, a rifle, 12 weeks basic training and a uniform. The solution in Syria has to be created by the Syrian people. The solution in Iraq has to be created by the Iraqi people. Provide shelter to the children, absolutely. Like city kids in the war they could be housed by people until it is safe for them to return home. But the situation will only change when boots on the ground grind ISIS in to extinction. I get to travel quite a lot with my job and I've been to Commonwealth war cemetries in all sort of places where I have relatives buried. They didn't want to go and fight, but they had to. It's the same situation for the Syrians and Iraqis now. They have to fight.
I'm not being smart and I'm as blue as anyone but you see this and then you see us spend 50 mil on a player.

I'd rather the sheikh walked away and put his money into a worthy cause like looking after refugees.

And while he's at it he can ask the glazers, Qatar, abramovich and the rest to do the same.
One of the experts said tonight that this conflict in the Middle East May last thirty years. Bearing in mind that Germany ha stakes in 800,000 so far and I would guess a million by the end I the year, it's not inconceivable that Europe could be taking 3-5 million a year if we just let them all in. How long do you think infrastructure would last under that sort of pressure.

I have a theory - Isis are doing these awful things just to force more refugees into Europe which they hope will destabilise.

Already it is apparent that different countries have differing views about how many they want to take and it is obvious that the schenghen treaty isn't fit for this purpose so countries are rebuilding their borders.

Maybe there really isn't an option but to stop them coming at source even if that means changing the orders we give to the patrol ships to turn back boats

What do you all think?
I think you're a fucking lunatic.

Call me dave is an arsehole, muslims are no worse than Catholics or Jews, every nation wastes cash on weapons. These are simply people, who need help, that we might be able to provide. So why not give it?

The selfishness in our country is astounding.
Such a tragic picture, I cried at my desk yesterday. The situation can't go on Europe cannot continue to cope. The European governments need to take action and stop dithering. Tend to agree with poster above that we should help the people to help themselves, train them, give them guns let them take action against the enemy in their own countries. But whatever happens this situation can't continue too many people are suffering.
No one should be surprised at our response. We did exactly the same prior to, during and even after the war with Jews fleeing Hitler. We grudgingly took in a few hundred children, provided they had guarantees that someone would provide for them. Even though the Palestine mandate territory could have taken most of those in Western Europe they wouldn't let them in.
I too have a boy a similar age to the kid on the beach and this photo has shook me up. Quite frankly I'm appalled by the stance of some people.

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