Religion, mammoths and dinosaurs,

shaiomarali said:
Mustard Dave said:
Dj1979 said:
According to some it is already revealed in the bible. Back when Man used to live up to 700-900 years the earth was much more oxygen rich which allowed
Edit: lots explain away bone placements as just where the bodies lay in the sediments of the floods
Man never lived that long. This graph shows atmospheric oxygen over time. Anotomically modern humans appeared 200,000 years ago, which as you can see is a gnat's cock-hair from the end of the x-axis, where oxygen content barely changes.
any mention what caused that sudden dip 300 million years ago?
Dj1979 said:
According to some it is already revealed in the bible. Back when Man used to live up to 700-900 years the earth was much more oxygen rich which allowed the long life span, this also enabled all the other animals to do similar and all dinosaurs are are merely lizards that have lived for hundreds of years because apparently reptiles never stop growing throughout their lives. Then after the floods lots of the oxygen was lost to it so we now have the life span that we see and why dinosaurs aren't around anymore. I think the guy explained away carbon dating in a similar way

Edit: lots explain away bone placements as just where the bodies lay in the sediments of the floods

Oh don't pull this shite out the 700-900 were lunar months. Think about it.
The huge body of scientific knowledge that man possesses has been achieved through hypotheses being tested by experiment and found to be true or false
This has given us the immutable laws of physics which govern everything on the planet
Developments in evolution were tested by brilliant men like Darwin and eventually a sensible and logical pathway was marked out and the fossil evidence was, and is still demonstrating that this is indeed the only correct possibility .
Religion wants us to believe that everything on the planet which is governed by these logical and rational laws was created by something for which there is no logical or rational explanation.
Like science itself , the hypothesis of a creator has been tested and as yet remains , and of course will always remain , unproven.
Bodicoteblue said:
The huge body of scientific knowledge that man possesses has been achieved through hypotheses being tested by experiment and found to be true or false
This has given us the immutable laws of physics which govern everything on the planet
Developments in evolution were tested by brilliant men like Darwin and eventually a sensible and logical pathway was marked out and the fossil evidence was, and is still demonstrating that this is indeed the only correct possibility .
Religion wants us to believe that everything on the planet which is governed by these logical and rational laws was created by something for which there is no logical or rational explanation.
Like science itself , the hypothesis of a creator has been tested and as yet remains , and of course will always remain , unproven.

Where did you copy and paste that from.
m7mcfc said:
Bodicoteblue said:
The huge body of scientific knowledge that man possesses has been achieved through hypotheses being tested by experiment and found to be true or false
This has given us the immutable laws of physics which govern everything on the planet
Developments in evolution were tested by brilliant men like Darwin and eventually a sensible and logical pathway was marked out and the fossil evidence was, and is still demonstrating that this is indeed the only correct possibility .
Religion wants us to believe that everything on the planet which is governed by these logical and rational laws was created by something for which there is no logical or rational explanation.
Like science itself , the hypothesis of a creator has been tested and as yet remains , and of course will always remain , unproven.

Where did you copy and paste that from.
All me own work , guv!
shaiomarali said:
Ban-jani said:
The Flash said:
Coming down from the trees and onto the plains meant our sources and variety of food vastly increased.

Standing on two legs also gave us an advantage when it came to hunting, the downside being that our heart, neck and genitals became exposed.

However, the relatively sudden advantages of those two decisions made protein very abundant in our diet which helped accelerate the rate at which our brains grew.

Bingo... Next!!

interesting theory, though I'm not sure why lions and tigers have not auditioned for Cats since they consume more protein per body weight than us. besides, when we decided to jump down that tree, we aren't really as adept hunters as bears, big cats or big apes.

following your theory, I thought of this. we eventually devised tools to compensate for our lack of speed, predatory instinct and nocturnal prowess, several traits of a protein high animal. in the animal kingdom, we were and still is quite weak when bare handed.

with the evidence that we devised hunting tools, it meant that intelligence came before a high protein diet, not because of a high protein diet. before tools, I hazard a guess that we were scavengers and foragers. intelligence gave us the upper hand.

and another point of your theory is that we were previously tree dwellers. there is indeed an accepted theory of evolution that links man with apes, like chimpanzees. but as I mentioned earlier, there is a big evolution gap, a void of fossilized evidence that link us and our primate - homonid ancestors safe for genetic similarities and to certain extent, physical appearance. it is what transpired in this evolution gap that is of most interest to the topic.

we can't rule out your theory as that might just be exactly what happened in this evolution gap. but what actually transpired during this unknown period is still very much open for debate.

i am interested in the origin of your theory though. reading into it might be enlightening.

We have opposable fucking thumbs.

Big cats and bears do not.

The 'accepted' theory you mention, is the theory of evolution. And there is no 'gap' in that theory, that's Creationist bullshit.

Nothing about the theory of evolution is 'open to debate'. Unless you are a religious nutjob and called pauldominic.
Just to throw in a random comment, did you know we have more matching dna with a banana than we do with apes, in fact our nearest animal match is a pig, so much for evolving from apes eh Mr Darwin....
shaiomarali said:
I am intrigued by the idea of how the bite of the forbidden apple from the tree is actually symbolic of a DNA mixing event between extraterrestrials and early hominids, giving hominids a new found ability to acquire intelligence.

It's like the birds and the bees way of extraterrestrials saying, well, we reconfigured your dioxyribose nucleic acid chain by adding new RNA on the nth chain of your DNA tree,

There is just a big gap in the evolution of intelligence that what is more plausible is outside interference. We have been living with apes for many centuries and none so far have shown as much capacity to develop further intelligence, while we humans seem to become more intelligent in leaps and bounds.
The Flash said:
shaiomarali said:
Ban-jani said:
Bingo... Next!!

interesting theory, though I'm not sure why lions and tigers have not auditioned for Cats since they consume more protein per body weight than us. besides, when we decided to jump down that tree, we aren't really as adept hunters as bears, big cats or big apes.

following your theory, I thought of this. we eventually devised tools to compensate for our lack of speed, predatory instinct and nocturnal prowess, several traits of a protein high animal. in the animal kingdom, we were and still is quite weak when bare handed.

with the evidence that we devised hunting tools, it meant that intelligence came before a high protein diet, not because of a high protein diet. before tools, I hazard a guess that we were scavengers and foragers. intelligence gave us the upper hand.

and another point of your theory is that we were previously tree dwellers. there is indeed an accepted theory of evolution that links man with apes, like chimpanzees. but as I mentioned earlier, there is a big evolution gap, a void of fossilized evidence that link us and our primate - homonid ancestors safe for genetic similarities and to certain extent, physical appearance. it is what transpired in this evolution gap that is of most interest to the topic.

we can't rule out your theory as that might just be exactly what happened in this evolution gap. but what actually transpired during this unknown period is still very much open for debate.

i am interested in the origin of your theory though. reading into it might be enlightening.

We have opposable fucking thumbs.

Big cats and bears do not.

The 'accepted' theory you mention, is the theory of evolution. And there is no 'gap' in that theory, that's Creationist bullshit.

Nothing about the theory of evolution is 'open to debate'. Unless you are a religious nutjob and called pauldominic.

Imagine cats with opposable thumbs! Scary!


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