Richard Dunne {merged}

Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

How many times over the years have I heard the saying 'Nobody is bigger than the club'? Well it appears that on here Richard Dunne is bigger than Manchester City. Some of the comments are laughable! Anyone would think we were talking about a Pele, Zidane or a Messi.

12 months ago he was ready to walk away from the club and Mark Hughes saved his City career by offering him a wage far above what his quality and playing ability deserved, how did Mr Man City repay the manager? By putting in some of the worst centre back performances I have ever witnessed at the club! He was an average player living on past glories and yet he still retained the support of the fans, the defence that Dunne received on here when he was at the club was a joke and the defence he is receiving now is an absolute farce!

The club have moved on to bigger and better things and some fans need to do the same, I swear if you let the past go at some point the phrase 'typical City' will mean that you can celebrate yet another trophy rather than us being a laughing stock!
Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

it is a very sad read that. Good look Dunney. Class act and always will be.
Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

Just been reading through and I feel that a few things need clearing up.

  • In the management, I was referring to Hughes, hence why I said 4.5 years the time Dunny has been here. I'm not having it that Hughes couldn't have kept him if he wanted to. Oh, and please check my post history, I'm enormously pro-Hughes and still believe he will take us to success, even though I disgareed with this.
  • No, I didn't send this to the club :) It was written as a letter as it was the best way to put it across without saying 'I think' a lot.
  • Sentiments aside, I still think he is a quality defender who could compete for a first team place on merit. He's had one bad season in nine.
  • I posted a while back about us losing our identity as City with bringing in all of the new players (it was a thread about Robben and Riquelme coming in) and this is another brick in the wall to me. We now have only Ireland, Richards, Sweep and Ned as first teamers who could give a flying fuck about us before we were trillionaires. This shouldn't matter to me, but it does. I understand that it's irrational.
  • A previous poster summed it up perfectly for me when they spoke of a link to the past, and to Maine Road. Does anyone think Neville is really good enough to currently play for United, or is he there because he's been there forever? Why the fuck can they afford sentiment and we can't? I'm sure they haven't done too bad in the last few years.

Dunne's been my favourite player for an age, and I've met him on a few occasions and really put across that he wanted us to do well. If he would have come out and said, "well, I was told of limited first team opportunities and decided to move", then it's respectful golf claps all round. The fact that he claimed he was pushed is good enough for me. I'd believe him our PR machine anyday of the week.
It's a question of respect, and from what Dunne has said, the club treated him with next to none.
Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

Fair play for sticking to your guns mate.

Hughes has been here one year, not two.

And our identity was as loveable losers. I've had a bellyful of that, thanks.
Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

Didsbury Dave said:
Hughes has been here one year, not two.

So he has. I seem to keep thinking second season = second year.
Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

Damocles said:
Dear Management of City,

I have just seen an interview with Richard Dunne regarding his move to Aston Villa. It seems he never wanted to leave, and was forced out of the club because 'we needed the money'. He wanted to stay and fight for his place, to help us achieve something. He said that he still loves the club, the fans and would want to come back.
All the PR spin in the world doesn't cover the fact that you've just sold a player who wants to play, who is good enough (hence his appearences this season), and understood the soul of the club after been here for 4.5 times the length you have.

Go fuck yourself.


get over it he's gone he prob didnt wanna go but tough city wanted to sell he would of been 4th/5th choice center half at city and as for city needed the money my dog out the back yard even knows thats a lie ffs
Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

How can anyone have a go at the club for Dunne leaving!

They have filled our squad with class!

Last season most of us were screaming for a replacement for Dunne after his mass of calamities and mistakes.

Dunne has been a great servant to the club and I have the highest respect for him and wish him all the best!

But for us to go places we need our squad to be strong and reliable! Which is what we have brought in, which unfortunately leaves no place for Dunne.

The new owners have given us more than we can ask for!


Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

Damocles said:
[*]In the management, I was referring to Hughes, hence why I said 4.5 years the time Dunny has been here. I'm not having it that Hughes couldn't have kept him if he wanted to. Oh, and please check my post history, I'm enormously pro-Hughes and still believe he will take us to success, even though I disgareed with this.

Why would Hughes want to keep him? He's a liability at the back

Damocles said:
[*]Sentiments aside, I still think he is a quality defender who could compete for a first team place on merit. He's had one bad season in nine.

His first few seasons with us were crap as well when he was a pisspot and didn't give a fuck about us. When he peaked he was brilliant for us for a couple of years, but he was never that great a player and always dropped clangers and only stood out because the other players were shite and the games we played suited him (backs to the wall stuff).

Damocles said:
[*]I posted a while back about us losing our identity as City with bringing in all of the new players (it was a thread about Robben and Riquelme coming in) and this is another brick in the wall to me. We now have only Ireland, Richards, Sweep and Ned as first teamers who could give a flying fuck about us before we were trillionaires. This shouldn't matter to me, but it does. I understand that it's irrational.

Bring back Sun Jihai

Damocles said:
[*]A previous poster summed it up perfectly for me when they spoke of a link to the past, and to Maine Road. Does anyone think Neville is really good enough to currently play for United, or is he there because he's been there forever? Why the fuck can they afford sentiment and we can't? I'm sure they haven't done too bad in the last few years.

That's just a pathetic point that doesn't even deserve to be argued
Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

should have gone years ago, always involved in own goals and i m not just talking about last season, hughes should not have doubled his money and asked him to stay when portsmouth wanted him, but i can believe he was frozen out by hughes, you only have to look at hughes in the dugout,hardly speaks to anyone anyway, so if you fall out of favour with him i can imagine what he would be like, i think petrov is getting it as well
Re: To: City Re: Richard Dunne

bobmcfc said:
testimonials are fuck all to do with money nowadays. its about a player with a long serving history at a club having a game played in his honour ! most prem footballers donate money raised to charity which is worthy enought of a match on it's own.

dunne should get his testimonial and be recognised for his service to our club.


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