Rishi Sunak

Women have always felt safe in their own facilities, somewhere they can interact with other woman doing women's thing like addressing their make up, hair etc. Adding an 18 stone brickie dressed as a woman is just wrong on all levels

We were talking about unisex facilities. Toilets are not provided to put on makeup or have a natter, they're for you to take a 1 or 2, wash up and then fuck off.

The other day I was in a stall and some oddball of a senior manager came in talking on his phone.

Employers have a duty to provide single sex toilets, that isn't likely to change.
I think dehumanising sums up the Pm and the party at this moment in time.
They are going down a dark path with some of the rhetoric we hear from them.
Let’s hope the next batch of Tory MPs coming through the ranks are a bit more empathetic than the current mob.
Don’t hold your breath mate.
They are factionalising furiously with each sub-set trying to be more right-wing than the next.
One of them even has the ludicrous Truss as its figure-head.
With all due respect....it isn't up to you what I should feel comfortable or uncomfortable about.

I've not done that and tbh that isn't my concern. I don't really care, you're one person.

If you don't feel comfortable doing something you won't do it. If you want a female only gym or swimming pool you'll find it.

The world's moved on, most younger women don't seem to give a shit about the things that so distresses you. If you want facilities that make you feel more comfortable kick up more of a fuss about it.

Get lockable doors on changing rooms rather than curtains. There isn't really a good reason why they aren't on all major chains split sex facilities.

Most of the excesses of unisex spaces are due to cost cutting not because of "gender ideology" or LGBT activism.

And like I said before....I shouldnt have to explain myself to a man why I want what I want as a woman.
It's not as if what I want is earth shattering.
And yes, I'm "one person"....yet it feels as if I'm having to justify my existence and I'm being given advice on how to deal with it.

Please....don't preach. Ok?
Are we all looking forward to Sunak doing an hour-long Q&A on GBNews next Monday?

Will he lurch wildly?
Will he be TETCHY?
Weill he be so awful that the general election is called next week?

Place your bets (for no more than £1000) on how many times Starmer/Labour gets mentioned.
I've not done that and tbh that isn't my concern. I don't really care, you're one person.

If you don't feel comfortable doing something you won't do it. If you want a female only gym or swimming pool you'll find it.

The world's moved on, most younger women don't seem to give a shit about the things that so distresses you. If you want facilities that make you feel more comfortable kick up more of a fuss about it.

Get lockable doors on changing rooms rather than curtains. There isn't really a good reason why they aren't on all major chains split sex facilities.

Most of the excesses of unisex spaces are due to cost cutting not because of "gender ideology" or LGBT activism.

And like I said before....I shouldnt have to explain myself to a man why I want what I want as a woman.
It's not as if what I want is earth shattering.
And yes, I'm "one person"....yet it feels as if I'm having to justify my existence and I'm being given advice on how to deal with it.

Please....don't preach. Ok?

I'm not preaching. I just don't care when you spend half of your time talking about trivialities like pronouns in emails. I don't use them either despite it being common and encouraged in my old department.

I'm not trying to convince you. You've every right to feel your discomfort, it's inherently personal and doesn't have to be seen through a rational or logical mindset (I'm not saying it isn't, I'm saying it doesn't have to) and whether I care or not doesn't determine your right to be comfortable or uncomfortable.

But taken in the round I don't place much value on it. For your discomfort there will be others who feel more comfortable with e.g. shared changing facilities at swimming pools, for reasons already stated.

Here's an alternative view but not for the same reasons as you. I don't particularly care about that either, if people care that much they can always join a naturists association.

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It has an impact on me, as a woman.

I don't care to be called "a woman who menstruates" or anything similar. I'm a woman---an adult human female. I'm not some sub category.
I don't (and won't) want to have to insert my preferred pronoun on my signature email at work. I'm a woman. That's it.

I don't want to have biological men competing in sports against my female counterparts. It's unfair and ridiculous.
I don't want biological men telling me I'm a bigot because I don't accept they are the same as me.

I don't want to share the same toilet as a biological man.

I don't want to impede any other persons way of living, but I'm damn sure they shouldn't be allowed to impede on mine either.

Well said
Women have always felt safe in their own facilities, somewhere they can interact with other woman doing women's thing like addressing their make up, hair etc. Adding an 18 stone brickie dressed as a woman is just wrong on all levels

Why are Trans women always 18 stone brickies? Have none of you watched any Trans porn? Not an 18 stone brickie to be seen - although to be fair there is probably a market for it.

Anywho, aside from Sunak displaying the empathy of a RoboVac, I’m not sure how politicians or society is going to cope with a non-binary template for gender/sex. As with sexuality, research is driving the concept of gender being a spectrum and not just two clearly defined boxes labelled M and F. Intersex people have been around since the year dot and ‘DNA sequencing and cell biology are revealing that almost everyone is, to varying degrees, a patchwork of genetically distinct cells, some with a sex that might not match that of the rest of their body.’ @ScientificAmerica.

Personally, I don’t know enough to suggest any solutions, but I suspect the issue is more complex than we would like to think.
And like I said before....I shouldnt have to explain myself to a man why I want what I want as a woman.
It's not as if what I want is earth shattering.
And yes, I'm "one person"....yet it feels as if I'm having to justify my existence and I'm being given advice on how to deal with it.

Please....don't preach. Ok?
Can I ask, if you'll entertain a hypothetical. If transgender women are barred from women's changing rooms and forced into men's changing rooms, what do you think is going to happen to them? Do you think men are going to take more kindly to pre-op transgender women (or post-op for that matter) being in their changing rooms? And, again, entertaining another hypothetical, say a meathead up to his eyeballs on steroids spots a "tranny" going into the cubicle next to him and decides to beat "him" up? Where's that transgender woman supposed to get changed instead? Where do you expect that transgender woman to feel safe in public? Can't go into male-only spaces cos she'll get battered, can't go into female-only spaces cos they're not allowed. So, where? What is the grand plan for trans people? And what if a fairly butch looking trans man (or a butch lesbian for that matter) goes into a women's changing room but is assumed to be a man and kicked out? These are questions gender critical people never, ever answer because the answer always ends up being "Trans people should stay in their own houses and shut up" and you can't say that bit out loud.

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