Rishi Sunak

Tail. Wagging. Dog.

HR forced pronouns on us.

Mine is "it" - they haven't figured out a way to challenge that yet.
I fully understand your concern about the toilet situation, I think it’s fair to ask questions. I’m also 100% behind you when it comes to the sporting side. It makes a mockery of things and doesn’t help the trans cause tbh.
I'm no activist. It just makes my blood boil when men pontificate about what women should be prepared to accept.
Tell that to the women attacked in Scotland by the geezer pretending to be a woman who Krankie wanted to send to a woman's prison.

If a biological male presents successfully as a woman, how would you know s(he) was not actually a woman, short of examining private parts? I'm not talking about men dressed like Les Dawson used to be in sketches, but people who pass as women to the casual view. Such people exist and it's a short-price bet they have been quietly using ladies' toilets for years.

Look, I know this is an emotional issue, and hard to navigate without being unjust to someone. Women face all kinds of unfair pressure due to a minority of men who are twats. Most of these men present as male and often as very male. How we protect women from abhorrent men is an issue in itself and it deserves far greater resources than are allocated. I'd be surprised, though, if this was the most serious issue. Many women are raped by men they know well, including family members. How many rape cases are brought to a successful conclusion? A disgracefully small proportion.
Lots of things don't affect us personally it's a bad argument. In fact one of our main problems is people vote out of self interest and don't give a stuff about others .

Anyhow Sunak showed a lack of political nouse to go along with his incompetence.

Starmer just put on one of his many faces.
True to a point, but when an argument about how people are allowed to identify themselves, and what rights they should have and how that affects another part of society, in this case mainly women,is as delicate and nuanced as this is, looking from outside as I am and seeing reasonable points on both sides. Who should decide what works best for all those concerned. Me that is unaffected or those that understand their positions and the consequences of any changes far better.
My point isn’t that I don’t have a view because it doesn’t affect me, I don’t have a definite view because I don’t understand enough about it to say what rights people should have, I do do have the view that all trans people should have rights, and we can’t say people are binary men and women and all laws and rights should only be for those born as men and women.I also have the view people have the right to be known by whatever pronoun they feel comfortable with.
Probably a clumsy explanation, but it was’t a case of it doesn’t affect me so I’m not interested.
This will end in a humiliating climbdown so he can hang on by his fingertips until the Easter recess - I wonder have they ever thought governing the country might improve their prospects rather than cracking tasteless "jokes", making stupid statements and being evasive?

How is it? Why is hearing a male take a dump worse?
Don't be silly.
I've heard many a male "take a dump."
I've even changed my son's nappy when he was a baby, and seen things as he got into his teens that are part of the growing up of a young male.
That isn't the point, but I think you know that.

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