Rishi Sunak

I saw that 5 second clip - I agree with you, it's quite painful watching him at the moment.
Painful perhaps, but I take solace from the thought that he would like his minions to make life similarly painful for benefit claimants, asylum seekers and anybody else not from a privileged background. - Unless he just gives that image to appeal to a certain type of voter.
The Tory Party leadership is now made up of bankers, hedge-fund traders and vulture capitalist types *ankers whose first instinct when something goes wrong for the country is not to try and fix but to work out how they can exploit the situation to their own advantage.

Eventually the public see that these types of people are still making money while nothing ever actually gets fixed or sorted and the game is finally up for them.

they would not know how to fix it even they wanted to, and even if they did they know it is too late.

Well done to Nick Robinson for nailing the slippery little fucker.
I hope you don't mind my alteration there @Eebo :-)
There’s nothing left to say. It’s not just Sunak, he’s doing the best he can within his limitations, it’s years of failed leadership, empty promises and the sheer amount of lies that will come back to bite them on their arses.

People talk about not trusting politics. Well, it’s only one party that have killed all your dreams, the other has just failed to stop them because we didn’t trust them to.
The state of the country is down to 30 years of mismanagement by successive government's imho.
Proportional representation finally makes sense to me - but you'd never get it through parliament where 75% are simply interested in self preservation
Honestly don't know who I'll vote for - just who I won't!
The state of the country is down to 30 years of mismanagement by successive government's imho.
Proportional representation finally makes sense to me - but you'd never get it through parliament where 75% are simply interested in self preservation
Honestly don't know who I'll vote for - just who I won't!
30 years, are you Grant Schapps in disguise?
Lib dems seem to be doing well. As I said yesterday would be great if they came in second and become the official opposition.

They've been around 10% across hundreds of polls for around six months now, including two released yesterday, and in recent YouGov polls using the same methodology.

It's potentially the first poll picking up a manifesto bounce, or indication of focus turning to tactical voting, but for now I'd put this one down as more likely an outlier.
They've been around 10% across hundreds of polls for around six months now, including two released yesterday, and in recent YouGov polls using the same methodology.

It's potentially the first poll picking up a manifesto bounce, or indication of focus turning to tactical voting, but for now I'd put this one down as more likely an outlier.
Agree circa 10% is not great but they seem to be doing a much better job of targeting winnable seats and not trying to fight Labour as a realistic alternative government. Last time out they ran a very poor campaign. This time its very focused and when you look at the seat predictions they are punching well above their weight.

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